pawelk: installer/pldi/rpmmenlib Makefile VERSION rpmmen.c rpmmen.h rpmmenExample.c rpmmenUI.c rpmmen_config.h rpmpldi.c rpmpldi.h

PLD CVS pld-cvs-commit w
Sob, 25 Mar 2000, 20:08:13 CET

Module name:	installer
Changes by:	pawelk	00/03/25 20:08:13

Modified files:
	pldi/rpmmenlib : Makefile VERSION rpmmen.c rpmmen.h 
	                rpmmenExample.c rpmmenUI.c rpmmen_config.h 
	                rpmpldi.c rpmpldi.h 

Log message:
Added INSTLLFIRST flags. Packages with this flag will be installed as first

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