klakier: bootdisk Makefile.am bootdisk/batch-installer installer-boot installer-conf installer-prep

PLD CVS pld-cvs-commit w pld.org.pl
Śro, 11 Lip 2001, 16:20:05 CEST

Module name:	bootdisk
Changes by:	klakier	01/07/11 16:20:05

Modified files:
	.              : Makefile.am 
	batch-installer: installer-boot installer-conf installer-prep 

Log message:
- create lists-pkgs containig /etc/lists.{packages,addons} -
  list of files in packages and list of packages in addons
- ask for bootdisk if module not found
- use STAGE2 instead of WHERE_THE_LOADER_IS_INSTALLED for rc-boot

Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-installer