PLD_1_0 branch in bootdisk
Michal Moskal
malekith w
Sob, 6 Kwi 2002, 14:23:45 CEST
I have just (re)created PLD_1_0 branch in bootdisk. (I don't want to use
just a label, because changes (bugfixes) are still very highly possible,
and HEAD version will fork off soon).
Only critical bugfixes are going there, no new features (including
upcomming partially-successfull-installation thing).
images/ and images/2.2-experimental are both in sync with CVS now.
2.2-experimental uses 20020405 cvs poldek snapshot, / - 0.17.2.
2.4-experimental won't work until romfs is included in 2.4 BOOT kernel.
: Michal Moskal :::::::: malekith/at/ : GCS {C,UL}++++$ a? !tv
: PLD Linux ::::::: Wroclaw University, CS Dept : {E-,w}-- {b++,e}>+++ h
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-installer