mode option and reiserfs fs

Michal Moskal malekith w
Pon, 29 Kwi 2002, 16:05:09 CEST

On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 03:41:29PM +0200, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
> There is no ,,mode'' option for reiserfs fs (installer adds such mode
> for /var/mail, /tmp and probably others in /etc/fstab).

I'll remove it altogether. Hmm... klakier, what was it for? There is no
mode= option for ext2 either.

: Michal Moskal :::::::: malekith/at/ :  GCS {C,UL}++++$ a? !tv
: PLD Linux ::::::: Wroclaw University, CS Dept :  {E-,w}-- {b++,e}>+++ h

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