bootdisk: TODO (HEAD) [malekith]

PLD CVS pld-cvs-commit w
Wto, 6 Sie 2002, 14:14:11 CEST

Module name:	bootdisk
Changes by:	malekith	02/08/06 14:14:09

Modified files:

Log message:
- suggested by elluin

Index: TODO
RCS file: /cvsroot/bootdisk/batch-installer/TODO,v
diff -d -u -r1.30 -r1.31
--- TODO	2002/08/06 12:13:25	1.30
+++ TODO	2002/08/06 12:14:08	1.31
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 * dosfstools-BOOT, partimage-BOOT
 * add ntfs.o
 * it should be possible to format vfat partitions with parted
+* installer-conf -- maybe add user to wheel group
 * restart installation in case of error (not from the begging)

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