poldek: greedy nie działa?
Rafał Kleger-Rudomin
klakier w pld.org.pl
Czw, 14 Lut 2002, 19:25:52 CET
upgraduję iconv 2.2.3-2 na obecny:
Processing dependencies...
iconv-2.2.4-12 marks glibc-2.2.4-12 (cap glibc = 2.2.4)
greedy upgrade glibc-devel-2.2.3-3 to 2.2.4-12 (unresolved glibc = 2.2.3)
glibc-devel-2.2.3-3 obsoleted by glibc-devel-2.2.4-12 (cap glibc-devel)
greedy upgrade glibc-pic-2.2.3-2 to 2.2.4-12 (unresolved glibc-devel = 2.2.3)
greedy upgrade glibc-static-2.2.3-16 to 2.2.4-12 (unresolved glibc-devel = 2.2.3)
glibc-pic-2.2.3-2 obsoleted by glibc-pic-2.2.4-12 (cap glibc-pic)
glibc-static-2.2.3-16 obsoleted by glibc-static-2.2.4-12 (cap glibc-static)
There are 5 packages to install (4 marked by dependencies), 5 to uninstall:
I iconv-2.2.4-12
D glibc-2.2.4-12
D glibc-devel-2.2.4-12
D glibc-pic-2.2.4-12
D glibc-static-2.2.4-12
R glibc-2.2.3-2
R glibc-pic-2.2.3-2
R iconv-2.2.3-2
R glibc-devel-2.2.3-3
R glibc-static-2.2.3-16
Verifying conflicts...
ERR: glibc-2.2.4-12 (man-pages < 1.43) conflicts with installed man-pages-1.29-1
ERR: There are 1 conflicts
ERR: Installation failed
Chyba greedy powinno rozwiązać tę sytuację. A mam greedy=yes w konfigu.
Rafał Kleger-Rudomin (klakier w pld.org.pl)
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