bootdisk: TODO (HEAD) [malekith]
pld-cvs-commit w
Pon, 29 Lip 2002, 13:02:29 CEST
Module name: bootdisk
Changes by: malekith 02/07/29 13:02:27
Modified files:
Log message:
- lots of things done
Index: TODO
RCS file: /cvsroot/bootdisk/batch-installer/TODO,v
diff -d -u -r1.28 -r1.29
--- TODO 2002/07/25 11:36:49 1.28
+++ TODO 2002/07/29 11:02:26 1.29
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-* bootloader installation not in mbr
+* automagicly add foreign partitions to /etc/fstab
* restart installation in case of error (not from the begging)
* check if /boot isn't on raid1 (lilo cannot handle it)
* check if there ain't more then 100% space for part
@@ -13,23 +15,9 @@
2.4 kernel, but I don't feel this should be default, even when running
from 2.4 bootdisk, esp. right now...)
* make ppp-BOOT (installation over SDI)
-* support PROXY (shouldn't be hard)
-* add SMTP client to send installer.log somewhere (after question)
-* allow some strange filesystem (like vfat) in fstab if we are not required
- to make it (just add it to fstab)
-* there is problem with jfs -- it stalls after "Loading jfs module..."
-* there is some problem with rerunning the installer (installer-prep fails)
* partially successfull installation thing
-* make scsi_hostadapters list
-* automagicly add foreign partitions to /etc/fstab
* ln -sf /dev/*** /dev/mouse (?)
-* add source of installation to wuch/apt/poldek conf
-* set UTC=true/false
-* smp installation mode (kernel-smp, other stuff -smp too)
+* add source of installation to wuch/apt/poldek conf [poldek done]
* nationalized keyboards
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