bootdisk: shell (HEAD) [malekith]

PLD CVS pld-cvs-commit w
Pon, 29 Lip 2002, 13:21:55 CEST

Module name:	bootdisk
Changes by:	malekith	02/07/29 13:21:53

Modified files:

Log message:
- lash is braindead

Index: shell
RCS file: /cvsroot/bootdisk/scripts/shell,v
diff -d -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- shell	2002/01/02 14:40:27	1.2
+++ shell	2002/07/29 11:21:52	1.3
@@ -8,12 +8,6 @@
   . /etc/profile
-echo "If you have problems with lash, you can also use ash which"
-echo "is far less interactive-friendly, but handles enviromental"
-echo "variables and other shell constructs much better."
-echo "In order to run ash type 'sh' and press enter."
-exec /bin/lash -i "$@"
+exec /bin/ash -i "$@"
 # vim:ft=sh

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