bootdisk: vfjuggle (HEAD)

malekith malekith w
Czw, 31 Paź 2002, 21:21:39 CET

Module name:	bootdisk
Changes by:	malekith	02/10/31 21:21:36

Modified files:

Log message:
- copy any file matching packages.dir* (also packages.dir.mdd) instead of
  symlinking it
- it should fix problems with unmounting cdroms

Index: vfjuggle
RCS file: /cvsroot/bootdisk/scripts/vfjuggle,v
diff -d -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- vfjuggle	3 Apr 2002 09:45:13 -0000	1.5
+++ vfjuggle	31 Oct 2002 20:21:35 -0000	1.6
@@ -136,16 +136,15 @@
 	echo "$VF_MNTPOINT/$URI: no such file"
 	exit 1
-    if [ "$BN" = "packages.dir" -o "$BN" = "packages.dir.gz" -o \
-	 "$BN" = "Packages" -o "$BN" = "Packages.gz" ]; then
-	 #echo "cp $VF_MNTPOINT/$URI $DESTDIR/"
+    case "$BN" in
+    packages.dir* | Packages* )
          cp $VF_MNTPOINT/$URI $DESTDIR/
-    else 	 
-	 #echo ln -sf "$VF_MNTPOINT/$URI" "$DESTDIR/$FILE"
+	 ;;
+    *)
-    fi
+	 ;;
+    esac
     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
 	exit 1

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