Compaq R3140us vs R3240us

havner havner at
Sun Oct 3 18:57:07 CEST 2004

On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 12:39:33PM -0400, Anthony Kolasny wrote:
> Greetings:
> I've been using the PLD LiveCD 1.0beta2 on a Compaq Presario R3140us for
> the last couple months with great success. The 3d graphics and wireless
> worked fine with a minute or two of minor updates.
> have the steps.
> I've had trouble installing PLD LiveCD on the Compaq Persario R3240us.

Is this 64bit machine?
Maybe nvidia drivers are too old for this nforce3, or there is some
incompatibility and you need 64bit kernel with 64bit nvidia drivers
(i'll check what chips are supported by latest nvidia driver and let you

> This machine has a newer graphics card and a 5in1 memory slot. When I boot
> the laptop with 'pld noapic acpi=off res=1280p pretty', it hangs after
> idenifying the 'nvidia' graphics. When I boot using 'pld noapic acpi=off
> res=1280p pretty driver=vesa', the machine boots and I'm able to install
> to the hard drive. The wireless works and 2d graphics work fine. However,
> I am unable to get 3d graphics to function. I downloaded the NVIDIA driver
> the GeForce 440 Go, added gcc and kernel source and tried to install it.
> It didn't work. Next, I ran 'poldek --upgrade-dist'. I still couldn't get
> the 3D driver to work. In the xorg.conf, I tried the driver 'nvidia' and
> 'nv'. The 'nvidia' driver locks up the machine on boot.

Regards       Havner                
GG: 2846839                             jid,mail: havner(at)
          "We live as we dream, alone"   - Joseph Conrad

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