[PLDSA 40-1] New docbook-utils packages fix default wrong options

Krzysiek Taraszka dzimi at pld.org.pl
Sat May 3 15:43:50 CEST 2003

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PLD Security Advisory PLDSA 40-1                        security at pld.org.pl
http://www.pld.org.pl/security/                          PLD Security Team
10 March 2003				http://www.pld.org.pl/security/faq
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Package        : prior to docbook-utils-0.6.12-1
Vulnerability  : wrong options
Problem-Type   : local
PLD-specific   : yes

docbook-utils is a group of little scripts allow to convert easily DocBook 
files to other formats (HTML, RTF, PostScript...), and to compare SGML files.
Default configuration used use-id-as-filename in default stylesheet. 
It is potentially dangerous and shouldn't be set.
If needed, one must use alternative stylesheet or enable it from command line 
(e.g. by -V'%use-id-as-filename%').

The above problems have been fixed in version 0.6.12-2 for the
current stable distribution (ra).

We recommend that you upgrade your docbook-utils packages.

wget -c url
	will fetch the file for you
rpm -Uhv file(s)*.rpm
        will upgrade the referenced file.

If you are using "poldek" - the package manager, use the line as given below
for upgrade packages

poldek --update
        will update the internal database
poldek --upgrade 'docbook-utils*'
        will install corrected packages

If you are using "apt" - the package manager, use the line as given below
for upgrade packages

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade 'docbook-utils*'
        will install corrected packages

PLD Linux 1.0 alias ra
- --------------------

  Source archives:

       MD5 checksum: 1023d3c596a2cebfe5eb68fa633d84a7

  I386 Architecture components:

       MD5 checksum: 3755554aba0c6b3a507382c00f7b7cd0

  I586 Architecture components:

       MD5 checksum: ab85e16be6ed68fb4b6eedf68a44cf00

  I686 Architecture components:

       MD5 checksum: 462173e1d5eb482c3f4e9ae580e26fea

  PowerPC Architecture components:

       MD5 checksum: a733ada5822962e2676d42f5581fef41

If you are using poldek add this line to poldek.conf.
If you are using apt-get add this line to sources.list.

For i386 architecture
poldek:         source = ra-updates-security ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists/ra/updates/security/i386/
apt-get:        rpm ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists ra/apt/i386 base updates-security
For i586 architecture
poldek:         source = ra-updates-security ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists/ra/updates/security/i586/
apt-get:        rpm ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists ra/apt/i586 base updates-security
For i686 architecture
poldek:         source = ra-updates-security ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists/ra/updates/security/i686/
apt-get:        rpm ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists ra/apt/i686 base updates-security
For ppc architecture
poldek:         source = ra-updates-security ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists/ra/updates/security/ppc/
apt-get:        rpm ftp://ftp.pld.org.pl/dists ra/apt/ppc base updates-security

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