a propos xcdroast i overburningu on-the-fly

Bart Ogryczak 0neg w poczta.gazeta.pl
Wto, 10 Gru 2002, 19:59:04 CET

Zasięgnąłem informacji u źródła, czyli Thomasa Niederreitera,
autora xcdroast i oto co mi odpisał:
 > yes..currectly the burn-mode is ignored in on-the-fly mode.
 > This was mainly because some writers did not allow multisession in
 > non tao-modes and because cdrecord did not support DVD writing in DAO mode.
 > I guess its historic and I could try to remove that, but I fear that
 > a LOT of people will complain that it is not working anylonger..
 > Feel free to edit the source of xcdroast to remove that restriction
 > (io.c, search for commented string "-dao")

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