chkproc - ukryte procesy

Szymon 'Trasher' K szymon w
Pią, 4 Lip 2003, 01:25:10 CEST

4 lipca 2003 (01:16:24) Szymon 'Trasher' K napisal:
STK> # chkrootkit-chkproc
STK> You have     2 process hidden for readdir command
STK> You have     2 process hidden for ps command

How accurate is chkproc?

If you run chkproc on a server that runs lots
of short time processes it could report some false positives. chkproc
compares the ps output with the /proc contents. If processes are
created/killed during this operation chkproc could point out these
PIDs as suspicious.

Juz sie dowiedzialem. :-)

\                          szymon @  /
 )  Szymon 'Trasher'      trasher @       (
/                          gg:1496879                       \ - Nieoficjalny serwis użytkowników PLD

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