Problem z lilo

Szymon 'Trasher' K szymon w
Czw, 29 Maj 2003, 20:07:59 CEST

28 maja 2003 (16:37:04) Sławomir Stuglik napisal:

SS> Po upgradzie wywolalem lilo:

SS> # lilo
SS> Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
SS>     Name change: '/dev/md;' -> '/dev/md11'
SS> Error:  /dev/hda1  and  /dev/hdc1  have duplicate volume IDs (serial
SS> numbers)
SS> Fatal: Duplicated volume IDs must be resolved before installation can
SS> proceed.
SS>   Use the '-z' and '-M <dev>' switches to erase the conflicts.

SS> ??????????????

Czyzby lilo z updates/general? Ono jest niepoczytalne ;)! Patrz ósmy
post na .

 Szymon 'Trasher'            szymon @

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