Jak sprawdzic dysk twardy ??

Pawel Koska poul w pf.pl
Wto, 17 Lut 2004, 13:51:11 CET

Dnia pon 16. lutego 2004 20:50, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz napisał:
> Dnia Monday 16 of February 2004 20:34, Pawel Koska napisał:
> > Jakie komendy wykonac ??
> Sprawdz s.m.a.r.t.a np na dobrym dysku
> smartctl -a /dev/hde

Wiec nie wiem....
Dalem, ale nie potrafie zinterpretowac wynikow.
To co wyskoczylo jest w zalaczniku.
Niby sa jakies bledy, ale tak sie wyswietlaja wszystkie dyski jakie mam :)

-------------- następna część ---------
Device: ST320011A  Supports ATA Version 5
Drive supports S.M.A.R.T. and is enabled
Check S.M.A.R.T. Passed.

General Smart Values: 
Off-line data collection status: (0x82)	Offline data collection activity 
					completed without error

Self-test execution status:      (   0)	The previous self-test routine completed
					without error or no self-test has ever 
					been run

Total time to complete off-line 
data collection: 		 ( 422) Seconds

Offline data collection 
					Automatic timer ON/OFF support
					Suspend Offline Collection upon new
					Offline surface scan supported
					Self-test supported

Smart Capablilities:           (0x0003)	Saves SMART data before entering
					power-saving mode
					Supports SMART auto save timer

Error logging capability:        (0x01)	Error logging supported

Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time: 	 (   1) Minutes

Extended self-test routine 
recommended polling time: 	 (  18) Minutes

Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
Revision Number: 10
Attribute                    Flag     Value Worst Threshold Raw Value
(  1)Raw Read Error Rate     0x000f   063   062   034       17080133
(  3)Spin Up Time            0x0003   076   070   000       0
(  4)Start Stop Count        0x0032   099   099   020       1192
(  5)Reallocated Sector Ct   0x0033   100   100   036       0
(  7)Seek Error Rate         0x000f   087   060   030       551282376
(  9)Power On Hours          0x0032   091   091   000       7925
( 10)Spin Retry Count        0x0013   100   100   097       0
( 12)Power Cycle Count       0x0032   099   099   020       1766
(194)Temperature             0x0022   051   055   000       51
(195)Hardware ECC Recovered  0x001a   063   062   000       17080133
(197)Current Pending Sector  0x0012   100   100   000       0
(198)Offline Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000       0
(199)UDMA CRC Error Count    0x003e   200   187   000       13
(200)Unknown Attribute       0x0000   100   253   000       0
(202)Unknown Attribute       0x0032   100   253   000       0
SMART Error Log:
SMART Error Logging Version: 1
Error Log Data Structure Pointer: 02
ATA Error Count: 22
Non-Fatal Count: 0

Error Log Structure 1:
DCR   FR   SC   SN   CL   SH   D/H   CR   Timestamp
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3293
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3293
 00   84   00   00   00   00    e0   51     131
Error condition:  32	Error State:       3
Number of Hours in Drive Life: 7848 (life of the drive in hours)

Error Log Structure 2:
DCR   FR   SC   SN   CL   SH   D/H   CR   Timestamp
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3293
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3293
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3294
 00   84   00   00   00   00    e0   51     131
Error condition:  32	Error State:       3
Number of Hours in Drive Life: 7848 (life of the drive in hours)

Error Log Structure 3:
DCR   FR   SC   SN   CL   SH   D/H   CR   Timestamp
 00   00   10   00   00   00    a0   c6     3292
 00   03   0c   00   00   00    a0   ef     3292
 00   03   40   00   00   00    a0   ef     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   84   00   00   00   00    e0   51     131
Error condition:  32	Error State:       3
Number of Hours in Drive Life: 7848 (life of the drive in hours)

Error Log Structure 4:
DCR   FR   SC   SN   CL   SH   D/H   CR   Timestamp
 00   03   0c   00   00   00    a0   ef     3292
 00   03   40   00   00   00    a0   ef     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   84   00   00   00   00    e0   51     131
Error condition:  32	Error State:       3
Number of Hours in Drive Life: 7848 (life of the drive in hours)

Error Log Structure 5:
DCR   FR   SC   SN   CL   SH   D/H   CR   Timestamp
 00   03   40   00   00   00    a0   ef     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3292
 00   03   01   00   00   00    e0   c8     3293
 00   84   00   00   00   00    e0   51     131
Error condition:  32	Error State:       3
Number of Hours in Drive Life: 7848 (life of the drive in hours)

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