warning w lilo?

Peter pe_ter w wp.pl
Czw, 8 Sty 2004, 21:09:14 CET

# lilo
Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
    Name change: '/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc' -> '/dev/hda'
    The kernel was compiled with DEVFS_FS, but 'devfs=mount' was omitted
        as a kernel command-line boot parameter; hence, the '/dev' directory
        structure does not reflect DEVFS_FS device names.
Added pld *
Added pld-apm

czy ktos moze mi wytlumaczyc czy to jest cos groznego i jak to "naprawic" ?? 
(od razu mowie ze nic nie popsulem :P)
mailto:pe_ter w wp.pl

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