Tomasz Narloch
eyev w poczta.fm
Pią, 17 Cze 2005, 22:01:23 CEST
ronin-23 napisał(a):
> Niestety z tego co zaobserwowalem pakiet Cedega zdaje sie nie dzialac na
> pld 2.0 AC. Czy moze wie ktos jaka moze byc tego przyczyna lub udalo sie
> komus obejsc ten problem w inny sposob niz przez skopiowanie katalogow
> .transgaming oraz .transgaming_global z innej dystrybucj na ktorej
> dziala ten pakiet prawidlowo? Bledy ktore sie pojawiaja wygladaja
> nastepujaco:(na zwyklym userze identycznie)
> /usr/bin/cedega[195]: !([ -e /root/.transgaming_global ]): not found
> /usr/bin/cedega[235]: !([ -e /root/.transgaming ]): not found
> Updating TransGaming config and registry info
> WARNING: Your old config file has been moved to config.old. Any
> modifications you made to this file
> will have to be replaced.
> mv: cannot stat `/root/.transgaming/config': No such file or directory
> /usr/bin/cedega[296]: cannot create /root/.transgaming/config: No such
> file or directory
> cp: cannot create regular file `/root/.transgaming/dyndata.reg': No such
> file or directory
> can't create key_t for shm: No such file or directory
> wineserver: chdir /root/.transgaming : No such file or directory
> mkdir: cannot create directory `/root/.transgaming/c_drive/My
> Documents': No such file or directory
> cp: cannot create directory `/root/.transgaming/c_drive/windows/': No
> such file or directory
> ln: creating symbolic link
> `/root/.transgaming/c_drive/windows/system32/regsvr32' to
> `/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/regsvr32': No such file or directory
> ln: creating symbolic link
> `/root/.transgaming/c_drive/windows/system32/regsvr32.so' to
> `/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/regsvr32.so': No such file or
> directory
> ln: creating symbolic link
> `/root/.transgaming/c_drive/windows/system32/winebrowserlink' to
> `/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/winebrowserlink': No such file
> or directory
> ln: creating symbolic link
> `/root/.transgaming/c_drive/windows/system32/winebrowserlink.so' to
> `/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/winebrowserlink.so': No such
> file or directory
> cp: cannot create regular file `/root/.transgaming/tg_config_version':
> No such file or directory
> cat: /root/.transgaming_global/Fonts/tg_font_version: No such file or
> directory
> /usr/bin/cedega[296]: [: 61: unexpected operator/operand
> Update complete
> usage: cedega [-use-pthreads <yes/no>] [[-]-winver <version>]
> [[-]-debugmsg <debug>] [[-]-version] [[-]-use-dos-cwd <dir>]
> [[-]monitor-cdrom-eject] <application> [application parameters]
> If you require additional help, please refer the HOWTO guide in the
> downloads section of the subscribers area.
> =================================================================
> Pozdrawiam
> Ronin
Ja moze teraz niezagladalem co jesst na PLD ale standardowo ten katalog
jest w /usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/.transgaming
wiec wystarczy go skopiowac
Jesli nie o to chodzi to nic wiecej nie wiem
Pozdrawiam Tomek
Londyn i Ladek Zdroj - ta sama cena!
>> http://link.interia.pl/f1892 <<
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