fsck.jfs: Superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired
Arkadiusz Chomicki
chomar w assat.pl
Pią, 21 Maj 2010, 08:56:52 CEST
mam taki problem:
# fsck.jfs /dev/sdc1
fsck.jfs version 1.1.13, 17-Jul-2008
processing started: 5/21/2010 8.37.20
Using default parameter: -p
The current device is: /dev/sdc1
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: read 0 of 4096 bytes at offset 32768
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: read 0 of 4096 bytes at offset 61440
Superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired
since both primary and secondary copies are corrupt.
# jfs_debugfs /dev/sdc1
jfs_debugfs version 1.1.13, 17-Jul-2008
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: read 0 of 4096 bytes at offset 32768
jfs_debugfs: error reading primary superblock
ujfs_rw_diskblocks: read 0 of 4096 bytes at offset 61440
jfs_debugfs: error reading secondary superblock
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Arkadiusz Chomicki
chomar (at) assat.pl
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