[new] mplayer2
luk w sidzina.pl
Pon, 28 Mar 2011, 18:06:05 CEST
On 28.03.2011 15:38, Bartlomiej Zimon wrote:
> Witam!
> Wrzucilem nowy spec dla pakietu mplayer2.
> Zainteresowani prosze o testy i uwagi.
> Pakiet powinien sie pojawic w th-test.
> Pozdrawiam
> Bartlomiej Zimon
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Sprawdzałem pakiet mplayer2-2.0-0.rc2.1.i686 z th-test
Na 64bit działa, na 32bit już nie (sprawdziłem na dwóch 32bitowcach)
Creating config file: /home/users/qra/.mplayer/config
MPlayer2 2.0-rc2 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team
parse error at line 1378
Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0: No such file or directory
Can't init input joystick
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote
Playing 418.avi.
Detected file format: AVI format (libavformat)
MPlayer interrupted by signal 4 in module: demux_open
- MPlayer crashed by an 'Illegal Instruction'.
It may be a bug in our new runtime CPU-detection code...
Please read DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html.
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.
Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and
disassembly. Details in
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We
can't and
won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a
possible bug.
Stary mplayer cały czas działa normalnie.
Tylko u mnie problem i mam coś dłubać, czy szerzej znane?
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