LDAP and whoson support for SolidPOP3d
Mariano Absatz
baby at baby.com.ar
Tue May 8 00:22:54 CEST 2001
We have been using solidpop3d for a few months with a couple of
modifications we had to do.
We pulished them now so you are able to use it and, if you want to,
incorporate them in future versions.
Our mail server is ZMailer (see http://zmailer.org).
First, we added support for LDAP authentication (since we have our users
in an LDAP DIT).
Second, we added support for POP before SMTP. For this, we are using a
small contributed-to-zmailer protocol called "whoson".
This protocol allows remote "login", "logout" and "verify" of IP
addressess with username information to a small "on line users database"
indexed by IP address with username and timestamp info in it.
It can be used from, say, a radius server, to allow to asociate smtp
messages coming from an IP address with a radius user.
In our case, as we only provide e-mail (and, in fact, we don't have
trustable IP addresses), we use it to asociate smtp messages coming from
an IP address with a POP or IMAP user.
Since, in the case of POP the user is not logged into de POP server while
he/she is sending the mail, and rather, logs to POP, downloads, exits POP
and THEN he/she connects to SMTP, we only use the "login" and our SMTP
server verifies using a predefined timeout.
That is, the SMTP does the following (simplified):
-if the message is inbound, allow it.
-if the message is oubound:
-verify the IP of the client in the whoson database
-if you don't find it, reject it.
-if you find it:
-if the time elapsed since the timestamp is greater
than your predefined timeout, reject it.
-else, allow the realying and put the username in the
Received: header generated.
For this to work, and taking into account that we could have relatively
short timeouts and maybe long POP download times, we do a "whoson login"
with the user authentication AND with the user's POP logout.
So, in POP, we do this "whoson login" right after the authentication and
right after the client send the QUIT (obviously, having had a correct
authentication :-)
In order to implement this stuff, we modified four files, and added two
Modified files:
new files:
The new files, along with "diff -u"s of the modified versions (relative
to the 0.15 tarball, no CVS) are attached.
To enable the use of this options you have to use the following configure
compile server with whoson support where PATH is the PATH you have whoson
installed (defaults to /usr/local/whoson)
compile server with ldap authentication support where PATH is the PATH
you have LDAP installed (defaults to /usr/local/ldap)
define ldap config file (default is /etc/ldap.conf)
define owner of the maildir directory (default nobody). This is the Unix
user which will read and write to the maildirs... it has to have
read/write permissions on the maildirs.
# Example /etc/ldap.conf file
# You must at least define "base", "ldaphost", "filter" & "attr".
base ou=mailUsers,o=exampleOrganization
ldaphost ldap.example.com
ldapport 389
binddn cn=ReadOnlyUser, o=exampleOrganization
passwd secret
filter (&(objectclass=mailUser)(uid=%s))
passattr userPassword
attr maildirFileName
scope sub
We added a -n option to solidpop3d to handle a base path from where
maildirFileName is relative. You can use it from /etc/inetd with:
pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd \
/usr/local/sbin/spop3d -n /maildir-base/%s -t maildir
if in the maildirFileName attribute you have "/x/y/somebody", it will
look for the maildir in /maildir-base/x/y/somebody.
This stuff wasn't made by me... I am only the "guy who better writes in
English" :-)
The author is Edgardo Szulsztein <edgardosz at yahoo.com>.
The LDAP code was taken from the ZMailer LDAP code made (as stated in the
source code) by:
Lai Yiu Fai | Tel.: (852) 2358-6202
Centre of Computing Services | Fax.: (852) 2358-0967
& Telecommunications | E-mail: ccyflai at ust.hk
The Hong Kong University of | Clear Water Bay,
Science & Technology | Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Mariano Absatz - El Baby
mailto:baby at baby.com.ar
PGP KEYS: http://www.baby.com.ar/datos/personales.html#claves_pgp
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