[MBT] new ticket for pkg LPRngTool "Wrong path in lprngtolol"

bugs at pld.org.pl bugs at pld.org.pl
Sun Jul 21 20:59:36 CEST 2002

Date: 2002-07-21 20:59:36+02	Author: Robert ¦wiêcki (Jagger) <rswieck1 at elka.pw.edu.pl> 
Title:         Wrong path in lprngtolol
Ticket ID:     #276
Ticket URL:    http://bugs.pld.org.pl/?bug=276
Package:       LPRngTool-1.2.7-1
Distribution:  PLD-Ra.main
Category:      unknown
Current state: opened

So.. there is wrong path to the ifhp filters in lprngtool. IFPH filter comes with LPRng package and it's situated in /usr/lib/lpfilters, but lprngtool assumes that it's located in /usr/lib/filters (as rhfilters distributed with LPRngTools are). So the solution is to change 164-th line of `which lprngtool':

< set ifhp_path "/usr/lib/filters/ifhp"
> set ifhp_path "/usr/lib/lpfilters/ifhp"

it doesn't make ifhp filters work but the lprngtool doesn't complain about missing files. (but as i said iphf still don't work)

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