ruby packages (was Re: AC: TODO list)
Elan Ruusamäe
glen at
Sat Dec 31 14:47:13 CET 2005
On Saturday 31 December 2005 15:07, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> building SRPM using: cd rpm/SPECS; nice -n 10 ./builder -nu --nodeps -bs
> -r HEAD -Tp auto-ac- -tt rake.spec 2>&1
> sh: ruby: not found
> error: line 15: Version required: Requires: ruby-modules(ver) =
> Begin-PLD-Builder-Info
> Build-Time: user:0.59s sys:0.29s real:2.73s (faults io:84 non-io:27097)
fixed that. note that for the rpm macros to output something sane,
ruby-modules package needs to be installed, as the rbconfig is otherwise not
available. maybe move rbconfig to main ruby package?
$ poldek -e ruby
$ rpm -E %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq
Requires: ruby-modules(ver) = ERROR
$ poldek -u ruby
$ rpm -E %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq
Requires: ruby-modules(ver) = ERROR
$ poldek -u ruby-modules
$ rpm -E %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq
Requires: ruby-modules(ver) = 1.8
btw, why not creating rpm-rubyprov package? i think the deps can be produced
same way as php/perl are.
i guess (by brief looking as i don't know the language) pattern
like /require\s+'([^']+)';/ should do it.
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