ruby packages (was Re: AC: TODO list)
Tomasz Wittner
twittner at
Sat Dec 31 16:05:07 CET 2005
On Sat 31. of December 2005 14:47, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> On Saturday 31 December 2005 15:07, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> > building SRPM using: cd rpm/SPECS; nice -n 10 ./builder -nu --nodeps -bs
> > -r HEAD -Tp auto-ac- -tt rake.spec 2>&1
> [...]
> > sh: ruby: not found
> > error: line 15: Version required: Requires: ruby-modules(ver) =
> > Begin-PLD-Builder-Info
> > Build-Time: user:0.59s sys:0.29s real:2.73s (faults io:84 non-io:27097)
> fixed that. note that for the rpm macros to output something sane,
> ruby-modules package needs to be installed, as the rbconfig is otherwise
> not available. maybe move rbconfig to main ruby package?
On the one hand for this purpose I've moved directory skeleton from
ruby-modules to ruby package (I thought rather about 3rd party modules) and
I've add %ruby_ver_requires_eq in addition to %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq.
# cp /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux/rbconfig.rb .
# rpm -ev ruby-modules --nodeps
# install -m644 -D rbconfig.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux/rbconfig.rb
# rpm -E '%ruby_version'
It seems that rbconfig doesn't depend on any others modules. But, on the other
hand, additional ~6MB (ruby-modules) on builder doesn't hurt too much and is
needed f.e. for generating documentation - most of ruby packages use rdoc for
this purpose and rdoc depends on ruby-modules. So you gain no big profit from
moving rbconfig to ruby package - BR and R ruby-modules are needed allmost
for every ruby package (even I've such assumption - I'm not going to check
every ruby package). So, do as you wish (I'm not convinced of it).
> $ poldek -e ruby
> $ rpm -E %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq
> Requires: ruby-modules(ver) = ERROR
> $ poldek -u ruby
> $ rpm -E %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq
> Requires: ruby-modules(ver) = ERROR
> $ poldek -u ruby-modules
> $ rpm -E %ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq
> Requires: ruby-modules(ver) = 1.8
> btw, why not creating rpm-rubyprov package? i think the deps can be
> produced same way as php/perl are.
> i guess (by brief looking as i don't know the language) pattern
> like /require\s+'([^']+)';/ should do it.
there's include yet, maybe sth else (I don't know ruby too - I've just started
reading some tutorials and the like). Here is disscusion about this:
Tomasz Wittner
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