SOURCES (AC-branch): bashrc - removed stty erase setting to `tput ...

Tomasz Pala gotar at
Sun Jul 3 13:53:18 CEST 2005

On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 11:59:28 +0200, Jan Rekorajski wrote:

> > I agree, we shall do it the _common_ way.
> > 
> > However Debian/RH/FC has ^H for xterm-color, so following above rule you
> > should revert ncurses-xterm-color-new.patch, don't you? ;)
> That's right, especially when no sane program is using it in linux-world.

OK, I've changed SPECS/ncurses.spec and SOURCES/X11-PLD.patch (finding
no other reference to xterm-color, hope all other patches would match).

> > No, it's false by default.
> man xterm:
>        backarrowKey (class BackarrowKey)

Erghhh... I've read about backarrowKeyIsErase:

   backarrowKeyIsErase (class BackarrowKeyIsErase)
Tie the VTxxx backarrowKey and ptyInitialErase resources together by
setting the DECBKM state according to whether the initial value of stty
erase is a backspace (8) or delete (127) character. The default is
``false'', which disables this feature.       

Indeed, this would be useful if we haven't had vt100.translations:
#override, but in our case it won't change anything, as well as
the backarrowKeyIsErase resource (as far as I can see, anyway this
resouce works backwards - looks for stty erase). Changing these two has
no effect.

> > There must be line I gave, because IN FACT
> > we're changing xterm's default and it must be noticed about it.
> You're right here, the change must be complete.

There are two options which can set this, both having the same effect:

   ttyModes (class TtyModes)
This is very useful for overriding the default terminal settings without
having to do an stty every time an xterm is started.

   ptyInitialErase (class PtyInitialErase)
If ``true'', xterm will use the pseudo-terminal's sense of the stty
erase value. If ``false'', xterm will set the stty erase value to match
its own configuration, using the kb string from the termcap entry as a
reference, if available. [...] The default is ``false''.

That's why after changing ncurses it worked for you:) I've got old
terminfo and thus needed ttyModes or ptyInitialErase: true. My
suggestion is temporary solution for people not having current both
xterm and terminfo (or maybe add some R:?).

In my opinion it's all finished now. Any comments?

GoTaR <>gotar>

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