sending build requests for th, a proposal of rules
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
arekm at
Fri Apr 14 11:57:19 CEST 2006
On Thursday 13 April 2006 10:02, wrobell wrote:
> hello,
> th is quite usable for some of us now, so what about
> such two rules?
> 1. if you send something to th builders, then it should
> build on all archs. this means that if package building
> fails on one of the builders, then it is sender responsibility
> to fix this before sending another request.
> if you are not able to fix something, then tell about it on the list,
> so we can work together to fix the problem.
But we do not have something like ac-test in Th :( There is some hidden test
without poldek indexes (which makes the think much less useable).
> 2. if you want to send a package to builders, then _build_ and _run_ it
> on your machine first. this means, that if soname changes then
> it is sender responsibility to rebuild or other dependant packages.
> if you have no time for soname play, then don't send a request to
> builders. if you are in middle of the process and your cat needs
> you, then ask other developer to finish the job.
> if it involves a lot of time (i.e. openssl), then tell people on
> the list about it.
There are two packages currently with soname changes. expat and openssl. expat
case isn't yet clear and rebuilding stuff for openssl and then again for
expat would be stupid. So openssl has to wait. It didn't upgrade on builders
so what the problem?
> of course, this is only a proposal. i think that such rules could
> improve stability of system for testers. then, maybe we could
> gain more people to test pld th.
Proposal is fine for th-main and th-ready and would be fine for all th* if we
had ac-test like thing. Current th-test is afaik something different. I don't
know how packages flow is done in th right now.
> regards,
> wrobell <wrobell at>
Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz PLD/Linux Team
arekm /
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