python3.2+ compiled files
Bartosz Taudul
wolf.pld at
Sun Apr 3 14:21:19 CEST 2011
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Patryk Zawadzki <patrys at> wrote:
>> I would opt for this solution. We had many problems previously due to removing
>> py files and py files are very usefull when debugging or working with python
>> libraries.
Again with this stupid argument? Will we also pack C/C++ sources in
packages, because they are useful for debugging?
> +1, lots of software depends on being able to find .py files (plugin
> discovery)
So lots of software is broken by design. What else is new?
> and sources are often the only source of (up to date)
> documentation.
So the source code is the documentation. What else is new? Are you
simply trolling, or just are too ignorant to be aware that's also what
happens with all other programming languages?
> I currently keep a lot of source packages around in my
> home dir because files coming from PLD packages are only readable to
> python itself.
Your point beign? You want to have source code, you have to get it by
yourself, and not rely on the distribution to bend to your nonsensical
needs. What's next? Kernel people requiring full kernel sources in
main package, because they do some work with them? Shadzik wanting to
package full KDE source code in our packages, so that he can apply
patches with less effort? Oh wait, at least that's not going to happen
> Patryk Zawadzki
> I solve problems.
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