INFO: Coś do obróbki bdf-ów....
Wojciech "Sas" Cieciwa
cieciwa w
Sob, 12 Gru 1998, 17:10:47 CET
UNIX System Administrator, POLAND
_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ Wojciech 'Sas' Cieciwa
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_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ cieciwa w
_/ _/ _/ _/ sas w
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-------------- następna część ---------
Summary: Xbase DBMS Library
Summary(pl): Xbase biblioteka dla różnych baz danych.
Name: xbase
Version: 1.7.4c
Release: 1
Copyright: GPL
Group: Applications/Libraries
Source: %name-%version.tar.gz
Source1: %{name}174c-html.tar.gz
Buildroot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root
This product provides C and C++ programmers a class and function library for
manipulating Xbase type datafiles and indices. This project was formerly
known as Xbase for Linux, but as I have recieved input from several people
who are compiling this on platforms other than Linux, I have renamed it to
Xbase DBMS. The main development of this library however, remains on the
Linux platform utilizing the GCC public domain C/C++ compiler.
XBase DBMS currently includes routines to support multi-user access for .DBF
databases, fields, Dbase III and IV memo fields (variable length fields),
dates, record and file locking and (.NDX) indices. As of release 1.7.4,
Xbase is compatible with dBASE III data, index and memo fields and also has
support for some dBASE IV features.
%description -l pl
Bibliotek zawierająca zespół procerur i funkcji pozwalających na podstawowe
operacje na na formatacie danych dBASE III i częściowo dBASE IV.
Bazowo projekt powstawał po Linuxa ale obecnie jest urzywany na wielu
%setup -T -D -q -b 0
install -d doc
cd doc
gzip -dc %{SOURCE1} | tar -xf -
./configure --prefix=/usr
make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr install
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%name-%version
%defattr(644, root, root, 755)
%doc doc/*.html doc/*.jpg doc/changelog
%attr(755, root, root)/usr/lib/*
%attr(644, root, root)/usr/include/*.h
* Sat Dec 12 1998 Wojciech "Sas" Cięciwa <cieciwa w>
- building RPM.
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-devel-pl