
Łukasz Jernaś deejay1 w nsj.srem.pl
Wto, 2 Mar 2004, 20:55:28 CET

Dnia Tue, 2 Mar 2004 20:37:48 +0100 użyszkodnik Paweł Sikora
<pluto w ds14.agh.edu.pl> napisał:

> On Tuesday 02 of March 2004 20:29, Jakub Bogusz wrote:
> ja znalazlem jeszcze taka ciekawostke...
> "The most interesting case I've seen of thwarting the compatibility
> deals
>  with distributing components which use a 'middle man' to achieve
>  the license bridge.
>  Suppose you have Component G, which is GPL, and Component X,
>  which is under the retarded XFree86 License.
>  You want the two to interoperate somehow.
>  Create an interface written from scratch to form a common bridge
>  between components G and X, derived neither from G nor X.
>  We'll call this one Component B, and license it under the BSD
>  license.
>  Create an implementation of the B interface for component G,
>  and call this Component GB. Release this under the GPL,
>  which is acceptable because B is licensed under the BSD license,
>  which is compatible with the GPL.
>  Create another implementation of the B interface, this time for
>  component X, and call this one Component XB. Release this under the
>  XFree86 license. This should be a lot simpler to prove legal because
>  the XFree86 license has less restrictions overall than the GPL.
>  So now you have three components which form a bridge:
>  G <-> GB <-> B <-> XB <-> X "

O rety, to w tłumaczeniu na polski to brzmi mniej więcej tak:
Chcemy dojechać z Łodzi do Krakowa. Więc zamiast jechać katowicką robimy
Jedziemy Warszawy, wsiadamy w samolot do Pekinu, w Pekinie, bierzemy
autobus na najbliższy przystanek koleji transsyberyjskiej, koleją
dojeżdzamy do Moskwy,w Moskwie wsiadamy w taksówke i jedziemy znów do
Warszawy, gdzie wsiadamy w pociąg do Gdańska i przesiadamy się tam na
pociąg w kierunku Poznania i wysiadamy w Czerwonaku idać dalej pieszo,


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