comment on poldek/PLD mirrors
Michal Moskal
malekith at
Mon Apr 8 18:14:04 CEST 2002
On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 03:46:07PM +0000, John P. Looney wrote:
> I was just wondering...
> I tried to install ImageMagick through poldek, and my indexes thought
> that 5.4.3 were the most recent version, and when I tried to install, I
> was told the files didn't exist.
> So, I ran;
> poldek --update-whole
> and it downloaded the new indexes, which contained references to 5.4.4!
> However, it took a while. Would it make sense to try and use 'rsync' to
> download the new indexes, instead of FTP ? It can make a big difference.
> It may even be possible to sync the indexes every time poldek is started,
> as the downloads, and checks, would be quite fast. I suppose it would mean
> that poldek mirrors would feel obliged to run rsync though...
Try poldek --update, not poldek --update-whole (with poldek >= 0.17).
It will just download deltas.
OTOH poldek ahs support for rsync (but not all mirrors supports it).
> What do 'ra' and 'nest' mean ?
Ra is codename for PLD-1.0. It has several meanings (Egypt God of Sun,
symbol of Rad (Radon?)).
Nest is like cooker or rawhide. It means NeverEnding STory :)
: Michal Moskal :::::::: malekith/at/ : GCS {C,UL}++++$ a? !tv
: PLD Linux ::::::: Wroclaw University, CS Dept : {E-,w}-- {b++,e}>+++ h
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