new user, and some questions/comments
Tomasz Kłoczko
kloczek at
Wed Apr 3 17:32:17 CEST 2002
On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, John P. Looney wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 04:14:24PM +0200, Mariusz Mazur mentioned:
> > Rule of thumb is: PLD is used by experienced users (sysadmins) but mostly by
> > the developers themselves. So the big question is: do you want to help?
> Um. I'd certainly like to help. I've a lot of experience with making up
> RPMs & making spec files.
So .. all is opened before You. Most from as can communicate (better odr
worse) not only polish language :_)
Now as Mariusz sayd ~99% messages about PLD developmet is in polish but
this will can change. All comments in cvs resources are in english so on
this level all is ready for people also outside Poland :)
> I can certainly help in that if I get a package
> that doesn't work, I'll fix it, and contribute it back. I would also like
> to upgrade packages like Mozilla & Galeon which I use daily, when new
> versions come out (however, Mozilla-0.9.9 RedHat SRPM won't build for me
> on PLD at all).
New mozilla 0.9.9 and galeon are prepared partialy in branch in cvs
repository. You must know we have central CVS reposirory with all
resourses used for build packages (also all tar balls and other binary
files are stored in CVS .. yes I know this looks strange but it is very
very usefull :). Using this you can build any packege from any development
point of hidtory. Oure repo is publically RO accessable on
:pserver:cvs at
For example:
$ cvs status -v mzilla.spec
File: no file mozilla.spec Status: Needs Checkout
Working revision: No entry for mozilla.spec
Repository revision: 1.140 /cvsroot/SPECS/mozilla.spec,v
Existing Tags:
DEVEL (branch: 1.140.2)
mozilla-0_9_8-4 (revision: 1.140)
[.long tags list.]
mozilla-5_M14-1 (revision: 1.15)
STABLE (revision: 1.140)
So usiging builder script stored in SPECS module by:
[SPECS]$ ./builder -g -r DEVEL mozilla.spec
you can download current mozilla 0.9.9 resources. After modify any package
you can send any fixes/changes to this list or any person which you are
see listed in file commit log or .. if you will want even you can also
obtain RW account.
We heven't full documentation on how to use oure cvs resource or how to
prepare automated/transactiomnal building envirement separated (yes we are
using ths kind tools and mostly all it is ready to use without significant
adjustments) from rest system so if you inetestred on some details about
how to effectively work on rpm packages in style/techics used by oure team
all advices/help on this on-line you can obtain for example on #pld
channel in IRC Net.
> Are there small projects - perhaps a "to do" list that I could have a
> look at, and get started on ?
Oure BTS on allow store "feacture request" and
"improve request" marked tickets which can be used for this kind things.
Now oure BTS has no "include file/patch on send tickets" but allso source
code BTS engine is stored in cvs repository .. so if you have some php
experiences you can also help on exted this :)
*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm|*e-mail: kloczek at*
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