Partial PLD ftp server mirror

Marek Guevara Braun marek.guevara at
Wed Jun 28 10:17:10 CEST 2006

Radoslaw Zielinski wrote:
> If you're serious about Th, I'd suggest getting familiar with building
> from CVS using the builder script -- a lot of packages is missing.

For Ac (aka 2.0) I would suggest builder stuff too. There is plenty of
stuff in our CVS repository which are not on the ftp servers (for
various reasons).

Generally preparing/building of a package looks like running
./builder -ba package.spec
(inside ~/rpm/SPECS)

It produces binary packages in ~/rpm/RPMS and source package in
~/rpm/SRPMS - you can prepare poldek index with poldek --mkidx
and export the RPMS dir with ftp or http for use by other computers.

I think that we should have some docs about preparing builder
enviromnemt, but i'm not sure do we have an eng. version.


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