maskarada i problemy z połączniem ze strona min.

Marcin Majcherkiewicz majszak at
Mon Dec 3 00:56:55 CET 2001

Więc tak, mam zainstalowane PLD. Wasza dystrybucja pracuje jako prosta bramka internetowa dla malej sieci- wszystko przez maskarade IP. Wczesniej uzywalem Slackware'a, ale po postanowilem poeksperymentowac...
I tak: ciagle mam problemy z konfiguracja BIND'a (konkretnie reverse DNS nie idzie, nie wiem gdzie mam blad, tym bardziej, ze pliki onfiguracyjne praktycznie zgralem z serwera gdzie to dzialalo...), ale to nie wazne... gorzej jest z maskarada! Przez dluzszy czas zastanawialem sie, dlaczego od strony sieci wewnetrznej nie moge wejsc na niektore strony, np., W pliku konfiguracyjnym network niewiele zmienialem, po prostu wlaczylem obsluge maskarady. Dziwne bylo to, ze wiekszosc serwerow byla dostepna. No i zaczalem sie bawic.. wlaczajac niektore opcje bez wiekszego zastanowienia. I co? Nagle wszystko zaczelo dzialac! Stad moja prosba... ponizej jest fragment "network"'a odnosnie ostawien IPv4. Mozecie mi powiedziec, ktora opcja odpowiada za to dziwne zachowanie? Cos wlaczylem, ale nie wiem co...
Z gory dzieki.

# Do you want enable IPv4 forwarding ?

# Do you want to enable IPv4 anti spoofing ?

# Kernel should accept ICMP redirect messages ?
# The default is 'yes', if the kernel is configured for
# a regular host; and 'no' for a router configuration.

# Kernel should accept source routed packets ?
# The default Is 'yes' for routers and 'no' for hosts.

# Log packets with source addresses with no known route to kernel log ?

# Do multicast routing ? The kernel needs to be compiled with
# CONFIG_MROUTE and a multicast routing daemon is required.

# Do proxy ARP ?

# Accept ICMP redirect messages only for gateways, listed in
# default gateway list ?

# Send ICMP redirects to other hosts ?

# Ignore all ICMP echo requests ? 

# Ignore ICMP echo requests to broadcast and multicast addresses ?

# Enable MTU discovery patch ? (KERNEL MUST SUPPORT THIS)
# MTU (maximal transfer unit) is the size of the chunks we send out
# over the net. "Path MTU Discovery" means that, instead of always
# sending very small chunks, we start out sending big ones and if we
# then discover that some host along the way likes its chunks smaller,
# we adjust to a smaller size.

# Enable debugging of IP masquerading ?

# Bug-to-bug compatibility with some broken printers. On retransmit
# try to send bigger packets to work around bugs in certain TCP
# stacks. Can be turned off by setting IPV4_RETRANS_COLLAPSE to ,,yes''. 
# Disable select acknowledgments after RFC2018 ?
# TCP may experience poor performance when multiple packets are lost
# from one window of data. With the limited information available
# from cumulative acknowledgments, a TCP sender can only learn about a
# single lost packet per round trip time. An aggressive sender could
# choose to retransmit packets early, but such retransmitted segments
# may have already been successfully received.

# Disable timestamps as defined in RFC1323 ?
# Timestamps are designed to provide compatible interworking with
# TCP's that do not implement the TCP Extensions for High Performance

# Enable the strict RFC793 interpretation of the TCP urgent pointer field.

# Enable SYN flood protection ?

# Disable window scaling as defined in RFC1323 ?
# The window scale extension expands the definition of the TCP
# window to 32 bits and then uses a scale factor to carry this
# 32-bit value in the 16-bit Window field of the TCP header.

# Enable dynamic socket address rewriting on interface address change.
# This is useful for dialup interface with changing IP addresses.
# (default no)
# IPV4_DYNAMIC_IP_PATCH_VALUE - value from 1 to 9

# Range of ports used by TCP and UDP to choose the local
# port. Contains two numbers, the first number is the lowest port,
# the second number the highest local port. Default is "1024 4999".
# Should be changed to "32768 61000" for high-usage systems.

Marcin Majcherkiewicz
    majszak at
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