your distribution

Michal Moskal malekith at
Tue Sep 3 15:01:03 CEST 2002

On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 07:18:45PM +0200, Luise Kunkle wrote:
> I apologize for taking your time, but I am contemplating using your
> distribution in the future instead of the SuSE distris, which I have
> been using up to now. SuSE and all the others -except Debian - have
> become too much like the Windows principle for me, after Yast1 was
> discontinued.

That's nice :)

> I have installed your base system - the Windomaker Workgroup
> installation did not seem to work - and I am so far very pleasantly
> surprised at the clarity of your instructions. While I am not a
> beginner I am by no means any kind of expert.

I belive packages groups has been fixed, but's it's possible iso hasn't
been rebuilt yet.  Maybe you could provide /var/log/installer.log from
installed system?

> However, I do have a question. Do you have an installation tool
> comparable to Yast1 or äquivalent for the administration of the
> system, especially at this point for further installation etc.? 

Unfortunetely the main configuration tool in PLD is $EDITOR ;)
However, when it comes to packages installation, PLD has great tool,
it's called poldek.  It's in poldek package, you run it 'poldek --shell',
type help for instructions.  By default it will try to connect to our
ftp server to get packages indexes, but you can also make it work with
CD.  It can be used for packages installation and upgrade, it's much
like apt-get (which is btw. also provided).

> Or does from here on everything have to be done manually? The latter
> would be very difficult since there does not seem to be any
> documentation yet in English or German in the net, and no
> documentation on the CD . Or did I just not find it?


: Michal Moskal ::::: malekith/at/ :  GCS {C,UL}++++$ a? !tv
: PLD Linux ::::::: Wroclaw University, CS Dept :  {E-,w}-- {b++,e}>+++ h

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