Start 2003 Debt Free.....Interested?

4t4y5u67tnlg at 4t4y5u67tnlg at
Tue Feb 4 00:22:51 CET 2003

Hello - 

This is a very brief email.  It is being sent to you because
I know you want to make money.

It's simple:  We have found a way to make money from home,
using the internet.  You won't "get rich quick", and you do
have to actually work.  We are working it, and people in my
group are making substantial incomes!

Want to know how?  Just send an email to:  itsforreal31 at
with the subject line "Send the info!" and I will make sure
you get the details.

Unsubscribing: Send a blank email to: donedeal6 at
with "Remove" in the subject line.

This message is not intended for residents of the state of
Washington, and screening of addresses has been done to the best
of our technical ability.  If you are Washington resident or 
otherwise wish to be removed from this list, just follow the
removal instructions above.


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