the VAyLtUM

Echo Faison faisony at
Tue May 9 08:29:04 CEST 2006
something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you
were after. So it proved on this occasion.
Soon Fili and Kili came crawling back, holding on to the rocks in the
wind. We have found a dry cave, they said, not far round the next
corner; and ponies and all could get inside.
Have you thoroughly explored it? said the wizard, who knew that
caves up in the mountains were seldom unoccupied.
Yes, yes! they said, though everybody knew they could not have been
long about it; they had come back too quick. It isnt all that big, and
it does not go far back.
That, of course, is the dangerous part about caves: you dont know
how far they go back, sometimes, or where a passage behind may lead to,
or what is waiting for you inside. But now Fili and Kills news seemed

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