the VALitUM

Radomira Walt waltradomir at
Wed May 10 01:20:19 CEST 2006

web site <> 
hares, and a small sheep. The dwarves managed all the preparations.
Bilbo was too weak to help, and anyway he was not much good at skinning
rabbits or cutting up meat, being used to having it delivered by the
butcher all ready to cook. Gandalf, too, was lying down after doing his
part in setting the fire going, since Oin and Gloin had lost their
tinder-boxes. (Dwarves have never taken to matches even yet.)
So ended the adventures of the Misty Mountains. Soon Bilbos stomach
was feeling full and comfortable again, and he felt he could sleep
contentedly, though really he would have liked a loaf and butter better
than bits of meat toasted on sticks. He slept curled up on the hard rock
more soundly than ever he had done on his feather-bed in his own little
hole at home. But all night he dreamed of his own house and wandered in
his sleep into all his different rooms looking for something that he

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