SPECS: tg3.spec - resolve file conflict with tg3 from kernel - changelog tr...

marcus marcus at pld-linux.org
Sun Mar 29 16:44:10 CEST 2009

Author: marcus                       Date: Sun Mar 29 14:44:10 2009 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- resolve file conflict with tg3 from kernel
- changelog truncated

---- Files affected:
   tg3.spec (1.2 -> 1.3) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/tg3.spec
diff -u SPECS/tg3.spec:1.2 SPECS/tg3.spec:1.3
--- SPECS/tg3.spec:1.2	Wed Mar 11 18:14:54 2009
+++ SPECS/tg3.spec	Sun Mar 29 16:44:05 2009
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 ./makeflags.sh /usr/src/linux > tg3_flags.h
-%build_kernel_modules -m tg3
+%build_kernel_modules -m %{pname}
@@ -92,7 +92,12 @@
 %if %{with kernel}
-%install_kernel_modules -m tg3 -d kernel/drivers/net
+%install_kernel_modules -m %{pname} -d kernel/drivers/net -n %{pname} -s current
+# blacklist kernel module
+cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/modprobe.d/%{_kernel_ver}/%{pname}.conf <<'EOF'
+blacklist tg3
+alias tg3 tg3-current
@@ -121,13 +126,15 @@
 %if %{with up} || %{without dist_kernel}
 %files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-net-tg3
 %if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
 %files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-net-tg3
@@ -137,226 +144,12 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.3  2009/03/29 14:44:05  marcus
+- resolve file conflict with tg3 from kernel
+- changelog truncated
 Revision 1.2  2009/03/11 17:14:54  qboosh
 - killed c/p
 Revision 1.1  2009/02/15 15:54:40  marcus
 - tg3 3.92n raw spec for 2.6.16
-Revision  2008/09/29 20:47:14  glen
-- merge changes from LINUX_2_6_22 branch; rel 6
-Revision  2008/02/15 15:18:56  glen
-- release 3
-Revision  2008-02-15 15:18:28  glen
-- fix alt_kernel build, rewrite Makefile so it would build also on alpha
-Revision  2008-02-15 14:33:13  glen
-- more alt_kernel
-Revision  2008-02-15 14:32:13  glen
-- alt kernel stuff
-Revision  2008-02-15 14:28:43  glen
-- use vermagic for kernel deps
-Revision  2008-02-15 14:26:22  glen
-- merge with HEAD
-Revision  2008-02-08 18:35:15  qboosh
-- updated comment
-Revision  2008-02-08 07:58:04  marcus
-- md5 updated
-Revision  2008-02-08 07:53:32  marcus
-- up to 8.3.14 for Ac
-Revision 1.55  2007-03-14 00:13:57  glen
-- up bcond
-Revision 1.54  2007/02/12 21:23:49  glen
-- tabs in preamble
-Revision 1.53  2007/02/12 00:48:39  baggins
-- converted to UTF-8
-Revision 1.52  2006/11/13 14:53:20  sparky
-- don't use %{without ...}, it may not work after inverting bcond
-Revision 1.51  2006/04/12 12:15:40  glen
-- add kernel epoch, adapterized
-Revision 1.50  2006/02/07 18:01:41  tommat
-- rel 5, STBR
-Revision 1.49  2006/02/06 14:01:28  tommat
-- make build with new kernel-module-buid (
-- rel 4.1, please test and if ok give full release and STBR
-Revision 1.48  2006/01/12 20:14:22  arekm
-- rel 4; fix ppc/spac
-Revision 1.47  2005/11/13 02:15:15  sparky
-- if there is no asm-powerpc link asm-ppc !
-- spaces->tabs
-Revision 1.46  2005/11/12 11:45:21  arekm
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.45  2005/11/12 11:34:39  arekm
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.44  2005/10/08 16:06:35  areq
-- 8.2.18
-Revision 1.43  2005/09/15 18:25:05  sparky
-- prepared for kernel >= 2.6.13: link Module.symvers
-Revision 1.42  2005/07/31 12:25:20  pluto
-- extra_cflags killed (kernel buildsystem provides suitable options).
-Revision 1.41  2005/07/29 17:08:30  pluto
-- updated to 8.1.55, support debug-build, release 1.
-Revision 1.40  2005/05/29 01:29:58  ankry
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.39  2005/05/21 22:23:52  averne
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.38  2005/01/29 15:27:26  pluto
-- license fixed.
-- BR:, R: fixed.
-Revision 1.37  2004/11/05 10:49:22  paladine
-- spaces->tabs
-- cosmetics
-Revision 1.36  2004/08/07 23:00:16  havner
-- rel 1
-Revision 1.35  2004/08/06 12:13:35  pluto
-- main pkg. without %{_kernel_ver_str}.
-Revision 1.34  2004/08/06 12:05:43  pluto
-- md5.
-Revision 1.33  2004/08/06 12:03:54  pluto
-- updated to 7.3.5.
-- waiting for spec rename...
-- release 0.1.
-Revision 1.32  2004/06/19 16:07:01  qboosh
-- tg3 is preferred on 2.4.x too (tg3 had some SMP problems)
-Revision 1.31  2004/06/16 14:06:20  jpc
-- BR + note in the header - this is for 2.4 only
-Revision 1.30  2003/08/12 22:32:48  ankry
-- cosmetics
-Revision 1.29  2003/07/10 13:23:34  trojan
-- added using depmod macro
-Revision 1.28  2003/05/28 12:59:19  malekith
-- massive attack: source-md5
-Revision 1.27  2003/05/25 05:49:26  misi3k
-- massive attack s/pld.org.pl/pld-linux.org/
-Revision 1.26  2003/05/16 08:33:42  trojan
-- fixed depmod in %post and %postun when build with _without_dist_kernel
-Revision 1.25  2003/05/14 14:42:43  qboosh
-- added depmod options so modules can be installed for kernel other than running
-Revision 1.24  2003/05/08 12:44:12  marcus
-- updated to 2.2.27
-Revision 1.23  2003/03/23 22:57:40  blues
-- release 2; rebuild with 2.2.25
-Revision 1.22  2003/03/17 15:54:29  qboosh
-- added URL (new version there... but seems still broken on SMP)
-Revision 1.21  2003/03/03 20:57:19  marcus
-- updated to version 2.2.19 (from Compaq SoftPack)
-  (Ra - updates/general STBR)
-Revision 1.20  2002/11/27 21:10:39  juandon
-- new %doc
-Revision 1.19  2002/11/17 18:31:50  kloczek
-- release 11: rebuild against kernel 2.2.22-6.
-Revision 1.18  2002/10/02 05:48:54  kloczek
-- release 10: rebuild against kernel 2.2.22.
-Revision 1.17  2002/08/29 07:23:48  qboosh
-- fixed main package release; rel 9
-Revision 1.16  2002/08/18 17:42:29  kloczek
-- release 8: rebuild against kernel 2.2.21.
-Revision 1.15  2002/04/27 13:03:25  marcus
-- patch's path fixed
-Revision 1.14  2002/04/27 12:40:00  marcus
-- accedd vlan patch
-- rel.7.
-Revision 1.13  2002/03/17 16:06:25  dzimi
-- update release numbers to build with new kernel release
-Revision 1.12  2002/03/04 22:18:00  marcus
-- use new macros (ver-rel)
-- removed smp/up obsoletes
-- rel. 5.
-Revision 1.11  2002/02/26 18:56:01  qboosh
-- use kgcc_package macro
-Revision 1.10  2002/02/26 15:11:06  qboosh
-- use %kgcc macro
-Revision 1.9  2002/02/26 13:22:24  qboosh
-- use requires_releq_kernel_{up,smp} macros, BR: egcs, release 4
-Revision 1.8  2002/02/23 21:59:55  saq
-- changed Requires: right-kernel to Conflicts: wrong-kernel
-- release 3, STBR
-Revision 1.7  2002/02/22 23:29:07  kloczek
-- removed all Group fields translations (oure rpm now can handle translating
-  Group field using gettext).
-Revision 1.6  2002/02/17 19:01:05  kloczek
-- cosmetics.
-Revision 1.5  2002/02/17 19:00:24  kloczek
-- adapterized.
-Revision 1.4  2002/02/10 19:04:46  marcus
-- rel 2. (for build with 2.2.20-10 and new 2.4)
-Revision 1.3  2002/01/27 10:17:05  marcus
-- some typos in Conflicts: in SMP subpackage
-Revision 1.2  2002/01/27 09:47:46  marcus
-- added %post/%postun for smp
-Revision 1.1  2002/01/27 09:01:42  marcus
-- changed name s/netdrivers/net/g
-Revision 1.3  2002/01/26 20:36:30  marcus
-- s/gcc/kgcc/g
-Revision 1.2  2002/01/26 20:33:08  marcus
-- added some macros, stbr
-Revision 1.1  2002/01/26 20:20:33  marcus
-- source: a5c13980564d05a446cfce9e4d887438  SOURCES/tg3-2.0.28.tar.gz
-- spec: initial version (based on kernel-* specs)

---- CVS-web:

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