[packages/nix] - up to 2.14.1

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Tue Apr 4 19:59:51 CEST 2023

commit ac5beb35ae8636e0f8b87b304c01f4626ef05d64
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 4 20:02:23 2023 +0200

    - up to 2.14.1

 nix-fix_nix_DIR_in_doc_local_mk.patch |   25 +-
 nix-g++.patch                         | 2730 ---------------------------------
 nix-link.patch                        |    8 +
 nix.spec                              |   11 +-
 4 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 2742 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nix.spec b/nix.spec
index d4b33e5..c50a01d 100644
--- a/nix.spec
+++ b/nix.spec
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
 Summary:	A purely functional package manager
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Czysto funkcyjny zarządca pakietów
 Name:		nix
-Version:	2.9.2
+Version:	2.14.1
 Release:	0.1
 License:	LGPL v2.1+
 Group:		Applications/System
 #Source0Download: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/tags
 Source0:	https://github.com/NixOS/nix/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	2cfd0da58d4ba6a1d93f18c1bc931c1a
+# Source0-md5:	a132c8cf9a246c6ceecb8625163beff0
 Patch0:		%{name}-sh.patch
 Patch1:		%{name}-paths.patch
 Patch2:		%{name}-ldflags.patch
-Patch3:		%{name}-g++.patch
+Patch3:		%{name}-link.patch
 Patch4:		%{name}-fix_nix_DIR_in_doc_local_mk.patch
 URL:		https://nixos.org/nix/
 BuildRequires:	autoconf >= 2.50
@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel >= 6:7
 BuildRequires:	lowdown-devel >= 0.9.0
 BuildRequires:	lsof
 BuildRequires:	mdbook
+BuildRequires:	mdbook-linkcheck
 BuildRequires:	nlohmann-json-devel >= 3.10.5-3
 BuildRequires:	openssl-devel
+# with gtest support
+BuildRequires:	rapidcheck-devel
 BuildRequires:	rpm-build >= 4.6
 BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.720
 %if %{with perl}
@@ -210,7 +213,9 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %dir %{nixdir}
 %attr(1775,root,root) %dir %{nixdir}/store
diff --git a/nix-fix_nix_DIR_in_doc_local_mk.patch b/nix-fix_nix_DIR_in_doc_local_mk.patch
index 375864b..8a9054b 100644
--- a/nix-fix_nix_DIR_in_doc_local_mk.patch
+++ b/nix-fix_nix_DIR_in_doc_local_mk.patch
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/6015
 --- a/doc/manual/local.mk
 +++ b/doc/manual/local.mk
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ dummy-env = env -i \
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dummy-env = env -i \
  	NIX_STATE_DIR=/dummy \
  	NIX_CONFIG='cores = 0'
@@ -14,19 +14,24 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/6015
  $(d)/%.1: $(d)/src/command-ref/%.md
  	@printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$$(basename $@ .1)" > $^.tmp
-@@ -44,31 +44,31 @@ $(d)/src/SUMMARY.md: $(d)/src/SUMMARY.md
+@@ -48,29 +48,29 @@ $(d)/src/SUMMARY.md: $(d)/src/SUMMARY.md
  	$(trace-gen) cat doc/manual/src/SUMMARY.md.in | while IFS= read line; do if [[ $$line = @manpages@ ]]; then cat doc/manual/src/command-ref/new-cli/SUMMARY.md; else echo "$$line"; fi; done > $@.tmp
  	@mv $@.tmp $@
 -$(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli: $(d)/nix.json $(d)/generate-manpage.nix $(bindir)/nix
 +$(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli: $(d)/nix.json $(d)/generate-manpage.nix $(nix_DIR)/nix
  	@rm -rf $@
- 	$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@ --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-manpage.nix { command = builtins.readFile $<; renderLinks = true; }'
+ 	$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-manpage.nix { toplevel = builtins.readFile $<; }'
+ 	@# @docroot@: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/contributing/hacking.html#docroot-variable
+ 	$(trace-gen) sed -i $@.tmp/*.md -e 's^@docroot@^../..^g'
+ 	@mv $@.tmp $@
 -$(d)/src/command-ref/conf-file.md: $(d)/conf-file.json $(d)/generate-options.nix $(d)/src/command-ref/conf-file-prefix.md $(bindir)/nix
 +$(d)/src/command-ref/conf-file.md: $(d)/conf-file.json $(d)/generate-options.nix $(d)/src/command-ref/conf-file-prefix.md $(nix_DIR)/nix
  	@cat doc/manual/src/command-ref/conf-file-prefix.md > $@.tmp
- 	$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-options.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@.tmp
+ 	@# @docroot@: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/contributing/hacking.html#docroot-variable
+ 	$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-options.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' \
+ 	  | sed -e 's^@docroot@^..^g'>> $@.tmp
  	@mv $@.tmp $@
 -$(d)/nix.json: $(bindir)/nix
@@ -41,11 +46,13 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/6015
 +	$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(nix_DIR)/nix show-config --json --experimental-features nix-command > $@.tmp
  	@mv $@.tmp $@
--$(d)/src/expressions/builtins.md: $(d)/builtins.json $(d)/generate-builtins.nix $(d)/src/expressions/builtins-prefix.md $(bindir)/nix
-+$(d)/src/expressions/builtins.md: $(d)/builtins.json $(d)/generate-builtins.nix $(d)/src/expressions/builtins-prefix.md $(nix_DIR)/nix
- 	@cat doc/manual/src/expressions/builtins-prefix.md > $@.tmp
- 	$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-builtins.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@.tmp
- 	@cat doc/manual/src/expressions/builtins-suffix.md >> $@.tmp
+-$(d)/src/language/builtins.md: $(d)/builtins.json $(d)/generate-builtins.nix $(d)/src/language/builtins-prefix.md $(bindir)/nix
++$(d)/src/language/builtins.md: $(d)/builtins.json $(d)/generate-builtins.nix $(d)/src/language/builtins-prefix.md $(nix_DIR)/nix
+ 	@cat doc/manual/src/language/builtins-prefix.md > $@.tmp
+ 	@# @docroot@: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/contributing/hacking.html#docroot-variable
+ 	$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-builtins.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' \
+@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ $(d)/src/language/builtins.md: $(d)/buil
+ 	@cat doc/manual/src/language/builtins-suffix.md >> $@.tmp
  	@mv $@.tmp $@
 -$(d)/builtins.json: $(bindir)/nix
diff --git a/nix-g++.patch b/nix-g++.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fbceab..0000000
--- a/nix-g++.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2730 +0,0 @@
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libmain/common-args.hh.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libmain/common-args.hh	2022-07-05 06:29:47.472950706 +0200
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ struct MixDryRun : virtual Args
-     MixDryRun()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "dry-run",
-             .description = "Show what this command would do without doing it.",
-             //.category = commonArgsCategory,
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ struct MixJSON : virtual Args
-     MixJSON()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "json",
-             .description = "Produce output in JSON format, suitable for consumption by another program.",
-             //.category = commonArgsCategory,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libutil/args.hh.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libutil/args.hh	2022-07-05 20:37:53.280611956 +0200
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace nix {
- enum HashType : char;
- class MultiCommand;
-+template <typename T> class BaseSetting;
- class Args
- {
-@@ -179,6 +180,8 @@ public:
-     virtual nlohmann::json toJSON();
-     friend class MultiCommand;
-+    template <typename T>
-+    friend class BaseSetting;
-     MultiCommand * parent = nullptr;
- };
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libutil/config.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libutil/config.cc	2022-07-05 20:31:23.672722643 +0200
-@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ bool BaseSetting<T>::isAppendable()
- template<typename T>
- void BaseSetting<T>::convertToArg(Args & args, const std::string & category)
- {
--    args.addFlag({
-+    args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-         .longName = name,
-         .description = fmt("Set the `%s` setting.", name),
-         .category = category,
-@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void BaseSetting<T>::convertToArg(Args &
-     });
-     if (isAppendable())
--        args.addFlag({
-+        args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-             .longName = "extra-" + name,
-             .description = fmt("Append to the `%s` setting.", name),
-             .category = category,
-@@ -266,13 +266,13 @@ template<> std::string BaseSetting<bool>
- template<> void BaseSetting<bool>::convertToArg(Args & args, const std::string & category)
- {
--    args.addFlag({
-+    args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-         .longName = name,
-         .description = fmt("Enable the `%s` setting.", name),
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {[=]() { override(true); }}
-     });
--    args.addFlag({
-+    args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-         .longName = "no-" + name,
-         .description = fmt("Disable the `%s` setting.", name),
-         .category = category,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/add-to-store.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/add-to-store.cc	2022-07-05 16:58:41.943554228 +0200
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ struct CmdAddToStore : MixDryRun, StoreC
-         // FIXME: completion
-         expectArg("path", &path);
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "name",
-             .shortName = 'n',
-             .description = "Override the name component of the store path. It defaults to the base name of *path*.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/build.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/build.cc	2022-07-05 16:59:38.756379823 +0200
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ struct CmdBuild : InstallablesCommand, M
-     CmdBuild()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "out-link",
-             .shortName = 'o',
-             .description = "Use *path* as prefix for the symlinks to the build results. It defaults to `result`.",
-@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ struct CmdBuild : InstallablesCommand, M
-             .completer = completePath
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "no-link",
-             .description = "Do not create symlinks to the build results.",
-             .handler = {&outLink, Path("")},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "print-out-paths",
-             .description = "Print the resulting output paths",
-             .handler = {&printOutputPaths, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "rebuild",
-             .description = "Rebuild an already built package and compare the result to the existing store paths.",
-             .handler = {&buildMode, bmCheck},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/bundle.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/bundle.cc	2022-07-05 17:01:44.829545208 +0200
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ struct CmdBundle : InstallableCommand
-     CmdBundle()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "bundler",
-             .description = fmt("Use a custom bundler instead of the default (`%s`).", bundler),
-             .labels = {"flake-url"},
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ struct CmdBundle : InstallableCommand
-             }}
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "out-link",
-             .shortName = 'o',
-             .description = "Override the name of the symlink to the build result. It defaults to the base name of the app.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/copy.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/copy.cc	2022-07-05 17:03:45.495241958 +0200
-@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ struct CmdCopy : virtual CopyCommand, vi
-     CmdCopy()
-         : BuiltPathsCommand(true)
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "no-check-sigs",
-             .description = "Do not require that paths are signed by trusted keys.",
-             .handler = {&checkSigs, NoCheckSigs},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "substitute-on-destination",
-             .shortName = 's',
-             .description = "Whether to try substitutes on the destination store (only supported by SSH stores).",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/develop.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/develop.cc	2022-07-05 17:07:02.563175521 +0200
-@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ struct Common : InstallableCommand, MixP
-     Common()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "redirect",
-             .description = "Redirect a store path to a mutable location.",
-             .labels = {"installable", "outputs-dir"},
-@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ struct CmdDevelop : Common, MixEnvironme
-     CmdDevelop()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "command",
-             .shortName = 'c',
-             .description = "Instead of starting an interactive shell, start the specified command and arguments.",
-@@ -395,44 +395,44 @@ struct CmdDevelop : Common, MixEnvironme
-             }}
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "phase",
-             .description = "The stdenv phase to run (e.g. `build` or `configure`).",
-             .labels = {"phase-name"},
-             .handler = {&phase},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "unpack",
-             .description = "Run the `unpack` phase.",
-             .handler = {&phase, {"unpack"}},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "configure",
-             .description = "Run the `configure` phase.",
-             .handler = {&phase, {"configure"}},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "build",
-             .description = "Run the `build` phase.",
-             .handler = {&phase, {"build"}},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "check",
-             .description = "Run the `check` phase.",
-             .handler = {&phase, {"check"}},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "install",
-             .description = "Run the `install` phase.",
-             .handler = {&phase, {"install"}},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "installcheck",
-             .description = "Run the `installcheck` phase.",
-             .handler = {&phase, {"installCheck"}},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/eval.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/eval.cc	2022-07-05 17:20:44.763154510 +0200
-@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ struct CmdEval : MixJSON, InstallableCom
-     CmdEval() : InstallableCommand(true /* supportReadOnlyMode */)
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "raw",
-             .description = "Print strings without quotes or escaping.",
-             .handler = {&raw, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "apply",
-             .description = "Apply the function *expr* to each argument.",
-             .labels = {"expr"},
-             .handler = {&apply},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "write-to",
-             .description = "Write a string or attrset of strings to *path*.",
-             .labels = {"path"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/flake.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/flake.cc	2022-07-05 18:18:54.437282756 +0200
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ struct CmdFlakeCheck : FlakeCommand
-     CmdFlakeCheck()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "no-build",
-             .description = "Do not build checks.",
-             .handler = {&build, false}
-@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ struct CmdFlakeInitCommon : virtual Args
-     CmdFlakeInitCommon()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "template",
-             .shortName = 't',
-             .description = "The template to use.",
-@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ struct CmdFlakeClone : FlakeCommand
-     CmdFlakeClone()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "dest",
-             .shortName = 'f',
-             .description = "Clone the flake to path *dest*.",
-@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ struct CmdFlakeArchive : FlakeCommand, M
-     CmdFlakeArchive()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "to",
-             .description = "URI of the destination Nix store",
-             .labels = {"store-uri"},
-@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ struct CmdFlakeShow : FlakeCommand, MixJ
-     CmdFlakeShow()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "legacy",
-             .description = "Show the contents of the `legacyPackages` output.",
-             .handler = {&showLegacy, true}
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/hash.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/hash.cc	2022-07-05 19:00:33.030613543 +0200
-@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ struct CmdHashBase : Command
-     CmdHashBase(FileIngestionMethod mode) : mode(mode)
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "sri",
-             .description = "Print the hash in SRI format.",
-             .handler = {&base, SRI},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "base64",
-             .description = "Print the hash in base-64 format.",
-             .handler = {&base, Base64},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "base32",
-             .description = "Print the hash in base-32 (Nix-specific) format.",
-             .handler = {&base, Base32},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "base16",
-             .description = "Print the hash in base-16 format.",
-             .handler = {&base, Base16},
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct CmdHashBase : Command
-         addFlag(Flag::mkHashTypeFlag("type", &ht));
-         #if 0
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "modulo",
-             .description = "Compute the hash modulo the specified string.",
-             .labels = {"modulus"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/ls.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/ls.cc	2022-07-05 19:04:45.879233582 +0200
-@@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ struct MixLs : virtual Args, MixJSON
-     MixLs()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "recursive",
-             .shortName = 'R',
-             .description = "List subdirectories recursively.",
-             .handler = {&recursive, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "long",
-             .shortName = 'l',
-             .description = "Show detailed file information.",
-             .handler = {&verbose, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "directory",
-             .shortName = 'd',
-             .description = "Show directories rather than their contents.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/main.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/main.cc	2022-07-05 20:07:59.235259876 +0200
-@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ struct NixArgs : virtual MultiCommand, v
-         categories[catUtility] = "Utility/scripting commands";
-         categories[catNixInstallation] = "Commands for upgrading or troubleshooting your Nix installation";
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "help",
-             .description = "Show usage information.",
-             .handler = {[&]() { throw HelpRequested(); }},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "print-build-logs",
-             .shortName = 'L',
-             .description = "Print full build logs on standard error.",
-@@ -85,20 +85,20 @@ struct NixArgs : virtual MultiCommand, v
-             .handler = {[&]() {setLogFormat(LogFormat::barWithLogs); }},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "version",
-             .description = "Show version information.",
-             .handler = {[&]() { showVersion = true; }},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "offline",
-             .aliases = {"no-net"}, // FIXME: remove
-             .description = "Disable substituters and consider all previously downloaded files up-to-date.",
-             .handler = {[&]() { useNet = false; }},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "refresh",
-             .description = "Consider all previously downloaded files out-of-date.",
-             .handler = {[&]() { refresh = true; }},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/path-info.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/path-info.cc	2022-07-05 20:52:47.872788534 +0200
-@@ -18,28 +18,28 @@ struct CmdPathInfo : StorePathsCommand,
-     CmdPathInfo()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "size",
-             .shortName = 's',
-             .description = "Print the size of the NAR serialisation of each path.",
-             .handler = {&showSize, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "closure-size",
-             .shortName = 'S',
-             .description = "Print the sum of the sizes of the NAR serialisations of the closure of each path.",
-             .handler = {&showClosureSize, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "human-readable",
-             .shortName = 'h',
-             .description = "With `-s` and `-S`, print sizes in a human-friendly format such as `5.67G`.",
-             .handler = {&humanReadable, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "sigs",
-             .description = "Show signatures.",
-             .handler = {&showSigs, true},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/prefetch.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/prefetch.cc	2022-07-05 20:54:32.827886004 +0200
-@@ -254,14 +254,14 @@ struct CmdStorePrefetchFile : StoreComma
-     CmdStorePrefetchFile()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "name",
-             .description = "Override the name component of the resulting store path. It defaults to the base name of *url*.",
-             .labels = {"name"},
-             .handler = {&name}
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "expected-hash",
-             .description = "The expected hash of the file.",
-             .labels = {"hash"},
-@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ struct CmdStorePrefetchFile : StoreComma
-         addFlag(Flag::mkHashTypeFlag("hash-type", &hashType));
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "executable",
-             .description =
-                 "Make the resulting file executable. Note that this causes the "
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/profile.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/profile.cc	2022-07-05 20:57:48.226528038 +0200
-@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ struct CmdProfileInstall : InstallablesC
-     std::optional<int64_t> priority;
-     CmdProfileInstall() {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "priority",
-             .description = "The priority of the package to install.",
-             .labels = {"priority"},
-@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ struct CmdProfileRollback : virtual Stor
-     CmdProfileRollback()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "to",
-             .description = "The profile version to roll back to.",
-             .labels = {"version"},
-@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ struct CmdProfileWipeHistory : virtual S
-     CmdProfileWipeHistory()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "older-than",
-             .description =
-                 "Delete versions older than the specified age. *age* "
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/registry.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/registry.cc	2022-07-05 20:35:54.757374169 +0200
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public:
-     RegistryCommand()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "registry",
-             .description = "The registry to operate on.",
-             .labels = {"registry"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/run.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/run.cc	2022-07-05 20:40:36.436248286 +0200
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ struct CmdShell : InstallablesCommand, M
-     CmdShell()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "command",
-             .shortName = 'c',
-             .description = "Command and arguments to be executed, defaulting to `$SHELL`",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/show-derivation.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/show-derivation.cc	2022-07-05 20:49:20.993406415 +0200
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ struct CmdShowDerivation : InstallablesC
-     CmdShowDerivation()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "recursive",
-             .shortName = 'r',
-             .description = "Include the dependencies of the specified derivations.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/sigs.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/sigs.cc	2022-07-05 21:14:00.669317906 +0200
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct CmdCopySigs : StorePathsCommand
-     CmdCopySigs()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "substituter",
-             .shortName = 's',
-             .description = "Copy signatures from the specified store.",
-@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ struct CmdSign : StorePathsCommand
-     CmdSign()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "key-file",
-             .shortName = 'k',
-             .description = "File containing the secret signing key.",
-@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ struct CmdKeyGenerateSecret : Command
-     CmdKeyGenerateSecret()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "key-name",
-             .description = "Identifier of the key (e.g. `cache.example.org-1`).",
-             .labels = {"name"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/store-delete.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/store-delete.cc	2022-07-05 21:15:21.704278877 +0200
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct CmdStoreDelete : StorePathsComman
-     CmdStoreDelete()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "ignore-liveness",
-             .description = "Do not check whether the paths are reachable from a root.",
-             .handler = {&options.ignoreLiveness, true}
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/store-gc.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/store-gc.cc	2022-07-05 21:15:56.429090794 +0200
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct CmdStoreGC : StoreCommand, MixDry
-     CmdStoreGC()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "max",
-             .description = "Stop after freeing *n* bytes of disk space.",
-             .labels = {"n"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/upgrade-nix.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/upgrade-nix.cc	2022-07-05 21:18:23.528295879 +0200
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ struct CmdUpgradeNix : MixDryRun, StoreC
-     CmdUpgradeNix()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "profile",
-             .shortName = 'p',
-             .description = "The path to the Nix profile to upgrade.",
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ struct CmdUpgradeNix : MixDryRun, StoreC
-             .handler = {&profileDir}
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "nix-store-paths-url",
-             .description = "The URL of the file that contains the store paths of the latest Nix release.",
-             .labels = {"url"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/verify.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/verify.cc	2022-07-05 21:20:09.484386232 +0200
-@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@ struct CmdVerify : StorePathsCommand
-     CmdVerify()
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "no-contents",
-             .description = "Do not verify the contents of each store path.",
-             .handler = {&noContents, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "no-trust",
-             .description = "Do not verify whether each store path is trusted.",
-             .handler = {&noTrust, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "substituter",
-             .shortName = 's',
-             .description = "Use signatures from the specified store.",
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ struct CmdVerify : StorePathsCommand
-             .handler = {[&](std::string s) { substituterUris.push_back(s); }}
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "sigs-needed",
-             .shortName = 'n',
-             .description = "Require that each path has at least *n* valid signatures.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/nix/why-depends.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/nix/why-depends.cc	2022-07-05 21:23:04.150146933 +0200
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct CmdWhyDepends : SourceExprCommand
-     CmdWhyDepends()
-     {
--        expectArgs({
-+        expectArgs(ExpectedArg{
-             .label = "package",
-             .handler = {&_package},
-             .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) {
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ struct CmdWhyDepends : SourceExprCommand
-             }}
-         });
--        expectArgs({
-+        expectArgs(ExpectedArg{
-             .label = "dependency",
-             .handler = {&_dependency},
-             .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) {
-@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ struct CmdWhyDepends : SourceExprCommand
-             }}
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "all",
-             .shortName = 'a',
-             .description = "Show all edges in the dependency graph leading from *package* to *dependency*, rather than just a shortest path.",
-             .handler = {&all, true},
-         });
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "precise",
-             .description = "For each edge in the dependency graph, show the files in the parent that cause the dependency.",
-             .handler = {&precise, true},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/eval.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/eval.cc	2022-07-05 21:20:29.491541937 +0200
-@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ void EvalState::runDebugRepl(const Error
-    exceptions. */
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, Env & env, Expr & expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(EvalError({
-+    debugThrow(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s)
- {
--    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }));
-@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s2)
- {
--    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s2),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }));
-@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s2, Env & env, Expr & expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(EvalError({
-+    debugThrow(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s2),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const char * s, const std::string & s2,
-     const std::string & s3)
- {
--    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s2),
-         .errPos = positions[noPos]
-     }));
-@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const cha
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s2,
-     const std::string & s3)
- {
--    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s2),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }));
-@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s2,
-     const std::string & s3, Env & env, Expr & expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(EvalError({
-+    debugThrow(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s2),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwEvalError(const PosIdx p1, const char * s, const Symbol sym, const PosIdx p2, Env & env, Expr & expr)
- {
-     // p1 is where the error occurred; p2 is a position mentioned in the message.
--    debugThrow(EvalError({
-+    debugThrow(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, symbols[sym], positions[p2]),
-         .errPos = positions[p1]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ void EvalState::throwEvalError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwTypeError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const Value & v)
- {
--    debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, showType(v)),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }));
-@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ void EvalState::throwTypeError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwTypeError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const Value & v, Env & env, Expr & expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(TypeError({
-+    debugThrow(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, showType(v)),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ void EvalState::throwTypeError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwTypeError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s)
- {
--    debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }));
-@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ void EvalState::throwTypeError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwTypeError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const ExprLambda & fun,
-     const Symbol s2, Env & env, Expr &expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(TypeError({
-+    debugThrow(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, fun.showNamePos(*this), symbols[s2]),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ void EvalState::throwTypeError(const Pos
- void EvalState::throwTypeError(const char * s, const Value & v, Env & env, Expr &expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(TypeError({
-+    debugThrow(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, showType(v)),
-         .errPos = positions[expr.getPos()],
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ void EvalState::throwTypeError(const cha
- void EvalState::throwAssertionError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s1, Env & env, Expr &expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(AssertionError({
-+    debugThrow(AssertionError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s1),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ void EvalState::throwAssertionError(cons
- void EvalState::throwUndefinedVarError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s1, Env & env, Expr &expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(UndefinedVarError({
-+    debugThrow(UndefinedVarError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s1),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ void EvalState::throwUndefinedVarError(c
- void EvalState::throwMissingArgumentError(const PosIdx pos, const char * s, const std::string & s1, Env & env, Expr &expr)
- {
--    debugThrow(MissingArgumentError({
-+    debugThrow(MissingArgumentError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(s, s1),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     }), env, expr);
-@@ -2324,7 +2324,7 @@ StorePath EvalState::coerceToStorePath(c
-     auto path = coerceToString(pos, v, context, false, false).toOwned();
-     if (auto storePath = store->maybeParseStorePath(path))
-         return *storePath;
--    throw EvalError({
-+    throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store", path),
-         .errPos = positions[pos]
-     });
-@@ -2531,7 +2531,7 @@ void EvalState::printStats()
- std::string ExternalValueBase::coerceToString(const Pos & pos, PathSet & context, bool copyMore, bool copyToStore) const
- {
--    throw TypeError({
-+    throw TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt("cannot coerce %1% to a string", showType()),
-         .errPos = pos
-     });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/flake/flake.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/flake/flake.cc	2022-07-05 21:25:57.822396545 +0200
-@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ static void prim_getFlake(EvalState & st
-         v);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp r2({
-+static RegisterPrimOp r2(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name =  "__getFlake",
-     .args = {"args"},
-     .doc = R"(
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/lexer.l.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/lexer.l	2022-07-05 20:49:05.845576982 +0200
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ or          { return OR_KW; }
-               try {
-                   yylval->n = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(yytext);
-               } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
--                  throw ParseError({
-+                  throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-                       .msg = hintfmt("invalid integer '%1%'", yytext),
-                       .errPos = data->state.positions[CUR_POS],
-                   });
-@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ or          { return OR_KW; }
- {FLOAT}     { errno = 0;
-               yylval->nf = strtod(yytext, 0);
-               if (errno != 0)
--                  throw ParseError({
-+                  throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-                       .msg = hintfmt("invalid float '%1%'", yytext),
-                       .errPos = data->state.positions[CUR_POS],
-                   });
-@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ or          { return OR_KW; }
--  throw ParseError({
-+  throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-       .msg = hintfmt("path has a trailing slash"),
-       .errPos = data->state.positions[CUR_POS],
-   });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/nixexpr.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/nixexpr.cc	2022-07-05 20:51:16.964756648 +0200
-@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ void ExprVar::bindVars(EvalState & es, c
-        enclosing `with'.  If there is no `with', then we can issue an
-        "undefined variable" error now. */
-     if (withLevel == -1)
--        throw UndefinedVarError({
-+        throw UndefinedVarError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("undefined variable '%1%'", es.symbols[name]),
-             .errPos = es.positions[pos]
-         });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/parser.y.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/parser.y	2022-07-05 20:57:44.644999732 +0200
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace nix {
- static void dupAttr(const EvalState & state, const AttrPath & attrPath, const PosIdx pos, const PosIdx prevPos)
- {
--    throw ParseError({
-+    throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-          .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%1%' already defined at %2%",
-              showAttrPath(state.symbols, attrPath), state.positions[prevPos]),
-          .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static void dupAttr(const EvalState & st
- static void dupAttr(const EvalState & state, Symbol attr, const PosIdx pos, const PosIdx prevPos)
- {
--    throw ParseError({
-+    throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%1%' already defined at %2%", state.symbols[attr], state.positions[prevPos]),
-         .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-     });
-@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static Formals * toFormals(ParseData & d
-         duplicate = std::min(thisDup, duplicate.value_or(thisDup));
-     }
-     if (duplicate)
--        throw ParseError({
-+        throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("duplicate formal function argument '%1%'", data.symbols[duplicate->first]),
-             .errPos = data.state.positions[duplicate->second]
-         });
-@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ static Formals * toFormals(ParseData & d
-     result.formals = std::move(formals->formals);
-     if (arg && result.has(arg))
--        throw ParseError({
-+        throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("duplicate formal function argument '%1%'", data.symbols[arg]),
-             .errPos = data.state.positions[pos]
-         });
-@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ static inline PosIdx makeCurPos(const YY
- void yyerror(YYLTYPE * loc, yyscan_t scanner, ParseData * data, const char * error)
- {
--    data->error = {
-+    data->error = ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(error),
-         .errPos = data->state.positions[makeCurPos(*loc, data)]
-     };
-@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ expr_function
-     { $$ = new ExprWith(CUR_POS, $2, $4); }
-   | LET binds IN expr_function
-     { if (!$2->dynamicAttrs.empty())
--        throw ParseError({
-+        throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("dynamic attributes not allowed in let"),
-             .errPos = data->state.positions[CUR_POS]
-         });
-@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ expr_simple
-   | URI {
-       static bool noURLLiterals = settings.isExperimentalFeatureEnabled(Xp::NoUrlLiterals);
-       if (noURLLiterals)
--          throw ParseError({
-+          throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-               .msg = hintfmt("URL literals are disabled"),
-               .errPos = data->state.positions[CUR_POS]
-           });
-@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ attrs
-           $$->push_back(AttrName(data->symbols.create(str->s)));
-           delete str;
-       } else
--          throw ParseError({
-+          throw ParseError(ErrorInfo{
-               .msg = hintfmt("dynamic attributes not allowed in inherit"),
-               .errPos = data->state.positions[makeCurPos(@2, data)]
-           });
-@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ Path EvalState::findFile(SearchPath & se
-     if (hasPrefix(path, "nix/"))
-         return concatStrings(corepkgsPrefix, path.substr(4));
--    debugThrowLastTrace(ThrownError({
-+    debugThrowLastTrace(ThrownError(ErrorInfo{
-         .msg = hintfmt(evalSettings.pureEval
-             ? "cannot look up '<%s>' in pure evaluation mode (use '--impure' to override)"
-             : "file '%s' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)",
-@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ std::pair<bool, std::string> EvalState::
-             res = { true, store->toRealPath(fetchers::downloadTarball(
-                         store, resolveUri(elem.second), "source", false).first.storePath) };
-         } catch (FileTransferError & e) {
--            logWarning({
-+            logWarning(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("Nix search path entry '%1%' cannot be downloaded, ignoring", elem.second)
-             });
-             res = { false, "" };
-@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ std::pair<bool, std::string> EvalState::
-         if (pathExists(path))
-             res = { true, path };
-         else {
--            logWarning({
-+            logWarning(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("Nix search path entry '%1%' does not exist, ignoring", elem.second)
-             });
-             res = { false, "" };
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops.cc	2022-07-05 21:28:43.612495512 +0200
-@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_scopedImpor
-     }
- });
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_import({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_import(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "import",
-     .args = {"path"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ void prim_exec(EvalState & state, const
-     auto elems = args[0]->listElems();
-     auto count = args[0]->listSize();
-     if (count == 0)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("at least one argument to 'exec' required"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void prim_exec(EvalState & state, const
-     try {
-         auto _ = state.realiseContext(context); // FIXME: Handle CA derivations
-     } catch (InvalidPathError & e) {
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("cannot execute '%1%', since path '%2%' is not valid",
-                 program, e.path),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ static void prim_typeOf(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkString(t);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_typeOf({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_typeOf(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__typeOf",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ static void prim_isNull(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nNull);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isNull({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isNull(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "isNull",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ static void prim_isFunction(EvalState &
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nFunction);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isFunction({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isFunction(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isFunction",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ static void prim_isInt(EvalState & state
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nInt);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isInt({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isInt(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isInt",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ static void prim_isFloat(EvalState & sta
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nFloat);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isFloat({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isFloat(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isFloat",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ static void prim_isString(EvalState & st
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nString);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isString({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isString(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isString",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ static void prim_isBool(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nBool);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isBool({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isBool(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isBool",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ static void prim_isPath(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nPath);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isPath({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isPath(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isPath",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -597,12 +597,12 @@ static Bindings::iterator getAttr(
-         auto aPos = attrSet->pos;
-         if (!aPos) {
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = errorMsg,
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos],
-             }));
-         } else {
--            auto e = TypeError({
-+            auto e = TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = errorMsg,
-                 .errPos = state.positions[aPos],
-             });
-@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ static void prim_genericClosure(EvalStat
-         Bindings::iterator key =
-             e->attrs->find(state.sKey);
-         if (key == e->attrs->end())
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("attribute 'key' required"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_genericClos
- });
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_break({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_break(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "break",
-     .args = {"v"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_break({
-     }
- });
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_abort({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_abort(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "abort",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_abort({
-     }
- });
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_throw({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_throw(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "throw",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ static void prim_ceil(EvalState & state,
-     v.mkInt(ceil(value));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_ceil({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_ceil(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__ceil",
-     .args = {"double"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ static void prim_floor(EvalState & state
-     v.mkInt(floor(value));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_floor({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_floor(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__floor",
-     .args = {"double"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ static void prim_tryEval(EvalState & sta
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_tryEval({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_tryEval(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__tryEval",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ static void prim_getEnv(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkString(evalSettings.restrictEval || evalSettings.pureEval ? "" : getEnv(name).value_or(""));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_getEnv({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_getEnv(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__getEnv",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ static void prim_seq(EvalState & state,
-     v = *args[1];
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_seq({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_seq(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__seq",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ static void prim_deepSeq(EvalState & sta
-     v = *args[1];
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_deepSeq({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_deepSeq(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__deepSeq",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ static void prim_trace(EvalState & state
-     v = *args[1];
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_trace({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_trace(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__trace",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-             if (s == "recursive") ingestionMethod = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive;
-             else if (s == "flat") ingestionMethod = FileIngestionMethod::Flat;
-             else
--                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("invalid value '%s' for 'outputHashMode' attribute", s),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-                 }));
-@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-             outputs.clear();
-             for (auto & j : ss) {
-                 if (outputs.find(j) != outputs.end())
--                    state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                    state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                         .msg = hintfmt("duplicate derivation output '%1%'", j),
-                         .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-                     }));
-@@ -1061,14 +1061,14 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-                    then we'd have an attribute ‘drvPath’ in
-                    the resulting set. */
-                 if (j == "drv")
--                    state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                    state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                         .msg = hintfmt("invalid derivation output name 'drv'" ),
-                         .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-                     }));
-                 outputs.insert(j);
-             }
-             if (outputs.empty())
--                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("derivation cannot have an empty set of outputs"),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-                 }));
-@@ -1196,20 +1196,20 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-     /* Do we have all required attributes? */
-     if (drv.builder == "")
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("required attribute 'builder' missing"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-         }));
-     if (drv.platform == "")
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("required attribute 'system' missing"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-         }));
-     /* Check whether the derivation name is valid. */
-     if (isDerivation(drvName))
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("derivation names are not allowed to end in '%s'", drvExtension),
-             .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-         }));
-@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-            Ignore `__contentAddressed` because fixed output derivations are
-            already content addressed. */
-         if (outputs.size() != 1 || *(outputs.begin()) != "out")
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("multiple outputs are not supported in fixed-output derivations"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-             }));
-@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-     else if (contentAddressed || isImpure) {
-         if (contentAddressed && isImpure)
--            throw EvalError({
-+            throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("derivation cannot be both content-addressed and impure"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName]
-             });
-@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ static void prim_derivationStrict(EvalSt
-             for (auto & i : outputs) {
-                 auto h = get(hashModulo.hashes, i);
-                 if (!h)
--                    throw AssertionError({
-+                    throw AssertionError(ErrorInfo{
-                         .msg = hintfmt("derivation produced no hash for output '%s'", i),
-                         .errPos = state.positions[posDrvName],
-                     });
-@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ static void prim_placeholder(EvalState &
-     v.mkString(hashPlaceholder(state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos)));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_placeholder({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_placeholder(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "placeholder",
-     .args = {"output"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ static void prim_toPath(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkString(canonPath(path), context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_toPath({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_toPath(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__toPath",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_toPath({
- static void prim_storePath(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
- {
-     if (evalSettings.pureEval)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'%s' is not allowed in pure evaluation mode", "builtins.storePath"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ static void prim_storePath(EvalState & s
-        e.g. nix-push does the right thing. */
-     if (!state.store->isStorePath(path)) path = canonPath(path, true);
-     if (!state.store->isInStore(path))
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store", path),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ static void prim_storePath(EvalState & s
-     v.mkString(path, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_storePath({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_storePath(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__storePath",
-     .args = {"path"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1452,7 +1452,7 @@ static void prim_pathExists(EvalState &
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_pathExists({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_pathExists(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__pathExists",
-     .args = {"path"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ static void prim_baseNameOf(EvalState &
-     v.mkString(baseNameOf(*state.coerceToString(pos, *args[0], context, false, false)), context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_baseNameOf({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_baseNameOf(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "baseNameOf",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ static void prim_dirOf(EvalState & state
-     if (args[0]->type() == nPath) v.mkPath(dir); else v.mkString(dir, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_dirOf({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_dirOf(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "dirOf",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ static void prim_readFile(EvalState & st
-     v.mkString(s, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_readFile({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_readFile(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__readFile",
-     .args = {"path"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ static void prim_findFile(EvalState & st
-             auto rewrites = state.realiseContext(context);
-             path = rewriteStrings(path, rewrites);
-         } catch (InvalidPathError & e) {
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("cannot find '%1%', since path '%2%' is not valid", path, e.path),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-@@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ static void prim_hashFile(EvalState & st
-     auto type = state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos);
-     std::optional<HashType> ht = parseHashType(type);
-     if (!ht)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("unknown hash type '%1%'", type),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ static void prim_hashFile(EvalState & st
-     v.mkString(hashFile(*ht, path).to_string(Base16, false));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_hashFile({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_hashFile(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__hashFile",
-     .args = {"type", "p"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ static void prim_readDir(EvalState & sta
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_readDir({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_readDir(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__readDir",
-     .args = {"path"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ static void prim_toXML(EvalState & state
-     v.mkString(out.str(), context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_toXML({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_toXML(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__toXML",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1774,7 +1774,7 @@ static void prim_toJSON(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkString(out.str(), context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_toJSON({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_toJSON(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__toJSON",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ static void prim_fromJSON(EvalState & st
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_fromJSON({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_fromJSON(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__fromJSON",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -1827,7 +1827,7 @@ static void prim_toFile(EvalState & stat
-     for (auto path : context) {
-         if (path.at(0) != '/')
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt(
-                     "in 'toFile': the file named '%1%' must not contain a reference "
-                     "to a derivation but contains (%2%)",
-@@ -1849,7 +1849,7 @@ static void prim_toFile(EvalState & stat
-     state.allowAndSetStorePathString(storePath, v);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_toFile({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_toFile(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__toFile",
-     .args = {"name", "s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2009,7 +2009,7 @@ static void prim_filterSource(EvalState
-     state.forceValue(*args[0], pos);
-     if (args[0]->type() != nFunction)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt(
-                 "first argument in call to 'filterSource' is not a function but %1%",
-                 showType(*args[0])),
-@@ -2019,7 +2019,7 @@ static void prim_filterSource(EvalState
-     addPath(state, pos, std::string(baseNameOf(path)), path, args[0], FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, std::nullopt, v, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_filterSource({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_filterSource(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__filterSource",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2098,13 +2098,13 @@ static void prim_path(EvalState & state,
-         else if (n == "sha256")
-             expectedHash = newHashAllowEmpty(state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, attr.pos), htSHA256);
-         else
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("unsupported argument '%1%' to 'addPath'", state.symbols[attr.name]),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[attr.pos]
-             }));
-     }
-     if (path.empty())
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'path' required"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -2114,7 +2114,7 @@ static void prim_path(EvalState & state,
-     addPath(state, pos, name, path, filterFun, method, expectedHash, v, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_path({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_path(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__path",
-     .args = {"args"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@ static void prim_attrNames(EvalState & s
-               [](Value * v1, Value * v2) { return strcmp(v1->string.s, v2->string.s) < 0; });
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_attrNames({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_attrNames(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__attrNames",
-     .args = {"set"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2205,7 +2205,7 @@ static void prim_attrValues(EvalState &
-         v.listElems()[i] = ((Attr *) v.listElems()[i])->value;
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_attrValues({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_attrValues(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__attrValues",
-     .args = {"set"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2233,7 +2233,7 @@ void prim_getAttr(EvalState & state, con
-     v = *i->value;
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_getAttr({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_getAttr(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__getAttr",
-     .args = {"s", "set"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2271,7 +2271,7 @@ static void prim_hasAttr(EvalState & sta
-     v.mkBool(args[1]->attrs->find(state.symbols.create(attr)) != args[1]->attrs->end());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_hasAttr({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_hasAttr(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__hasAttr",
-     .args = {"s", "set"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ static void prim_isAttrs(EvalState & sta
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nAttrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isAttrs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isAttrs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isAttrs",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ static void prim_removeAttrs(EvalState &
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs.alreadySorted());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_removeAttrs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_removeAttrs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "removeAttrs",
-     .args = {"set", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ static void prim_listToAttrs(EvalState &
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_listToAttrs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_listToAttrs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__listToAttrs",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ static void prim_intersectAttrs(EvalStat
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs.alreadySorted());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_intersectAttrs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_intersectAttrs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__intersectAttrs",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ static void prim_catAttrs(EvalState & st
-         v.listElems()[n] = res[n];
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_catAttrs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_catAttrs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__catAttrs",
-     .args = {"attr", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2479,7 +2479,7 @@ static void prim_functionArgs(EvalState
-         return;
-     }
-     if (!args[0]->isLambda())
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'functionArgs' requires a function"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ static void prim_functionArgs(EvalState
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_functionArgs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_functionArgs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__functionArgs",
-     .args = {"f"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2531,7 +2531,7 @@ static void prim_mapAttrs(EvalState & st
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs.alreadySorted());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_mapAttrs({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_mapAttrs(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__mapAttrs",
-     .args = {"f", "attrset"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2599,7 +2599,7 @@ static void prim_zipAttrsWith(EvalState
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_zipAttrsWith({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_zipAttrsWith(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__zipAttrsWith",
-     .args = {"f", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ static void prim_isList(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkBool(args[0]->type() == nList);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_isList({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_isList(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__isList",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2657,7 +2657,7 @@ static void elemAt(EvalState & state, co
- {
-     state.forceList(list, pos);
-     if (n < 0 || (unsigned int) n >= list.listSize())
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("list index %1% is out of bounds", n),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -2671,7 +2671,7 @@ static void prim_elemAt(EvalState & stat
-     elemAt(state, pos, *args[0], state.forceInt(*args[1], pos), v);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_elemAt({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_elemAt(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__elemAt",
-     .args = {"xs", "n"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2687,7 +2687,7 @@ static void prim_head(EvalState & state,
-     elemAt(state, pos, *args[0], 0, v);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_head({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_head(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__head",
-     .args = {"list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ static void prim_tail(EvalState & state,
- {
-     state.forceList(*args[0], pos);
-     if (args[0]->listSize() == 0)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'tail' called on an empty list"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ static void prim_tail(EvalState & state,
-         v.listElems()[n] = args[0]->listElems()[n + 1];
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_tail({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_tail(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__tail",
-     .args = {"list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2743,7 +2743,7 @@ static void prim_map(EvalState & state,
-             args[0], args[1]->listElems()[n]);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_map({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_map(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "map",
-     .args = {"f", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2789,7 +2789,7 @@ static void prim_filter(EvalState & stat
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_filter({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_filter(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__filter",
-     .args = {"f", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2812,7 +2812,7 @@ static void prim_elem(EvalState & state,
-     v.mkBool(res);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_elem({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_elem(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__elem",
-     .args = {"x", "xs"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2829,7 +2829,7 @@ static void prim_concatLists(EvalState &
-     state.concatLists(v, args[0]->listSize(), args[0]->listElems(), pos);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_concatLists({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_concatLists(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__concatLists",
-     .args = {"lists"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2845,7 +2845,7 @@ static void prim_length(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkInt(args[0]->listSize());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_length({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_length(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__length",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2876,7 +2876,7 @@ static void prim_foldlStrict(EvalState &
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_foldlStrict({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_foldlStrict(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__foldl'",
-     .args = {"op", "nul", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2913,7 +2913,7 @@ static void prim_any(EvalState & state,
-     anyOrAll(true, state, pos, args, v);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_any({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_any(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__any",
-     .args = {"pred", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2928,7 +2928,7 @@ static void prim_all(EvalState & state,
-     anyOrAll(false, state, pos, args, v);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_all({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_all(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__all",
-     .args = {"pred", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@ static void prim_genList(EvalState & sta
-     auto len = state.forceInt(*args[1], pos);
-     if (len < 0)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("cannot create list of size %1%", len),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@ static void prim_genList(EvalState & sta
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_genList({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_genList(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__genList",
-     .args = {"generator", "length"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3006,7 +3006,7 @@ static void prim_sort(EvalState & state,
-     std::stable_sort(v.listElems(), v.listElems() + len, comparator);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_sort({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_sort(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__sort",
-     .args = {"comparator", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3064,7 +3064,7 @@ static void prim_partition(EvalState & s
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_partition({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_partition(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__partition",
-     .args = {"pred", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@ static void prim_groupBy(EvalState & sta
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs2.alreadySorted());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_groupBy({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_groupBy(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__groupBy",
-     .args = {"f", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3170,7 +3170,7 @@ static void prim_concatMap(EvalState & s
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_concatMap({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_concatMap(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__concatMap",
-     .args = {"f", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ static void prim_add(EvalState & state,
-         v.mkInt(state.forceInt(*args[0], pos) + state.forceInt(*args[1], pos));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_add({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_add(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__add",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3215,7 +3215,7 @@ static void prim_sub(EvalState & state,
-         v.mkInt(state.forceInt(*args[0], pos) - state.forceInt(*args[1], pos));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_sub({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_sub(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__sub",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3234,7 +3234,7 @@ static void prim_mul(EvalState & state,
-         v.mkInt(state.forceInt(*args[0], pos) * state.forceInt(*args[1], pos));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_mul({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_mul(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__mul",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3250,7 +3250,7 @@ static void prim_div(EvalState & state,
-     NixFloat f2 = state.forceFloat(*args[1], pos);
-     if (f2 == 0)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("division by zero"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -3262,7 +3262,7 @@ static void prim_div(EvalState & state,
-         NixInt i2 = state.forceInt(*args[1], pos);
-         /* Avoid division overflow as it might raise SIGFPE. */
-         if (i1 == std::numeric_limits<NixInt>::min() && i2 == -1)
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("overflow in integer division"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-@@ -3271,7 +3271,7 @@ static void prim_div(EvalState & state,
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_div({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_div(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__div",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3285,7 +3285,7 @@ static void prim_bitAnd(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkInt(state.forceInt(*args[0], pos) & state.forceInt(*args[1], pos));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_bitAnd({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_bitAnd(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__bitAnd",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3299,7 +3299,7 @@ static void prim_bitOr(EvalState & state
-     v.mkInt(state.forceInt(*args[0], pos) | state.forceInt(*args[1], pos));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_bitOr({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_bitOr(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__bitOr",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3313,7 +3313,7 @@ static void prim_bitXor(EvalState & stat
-     v.mkInt(state.forceInt(*args[0], pos) ^ state.forceInt(*args[1], pos));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_bitXor({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_bitXor(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__bitXor",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3330,7 +3330,7 @@ static void prim_lessThan(EvalState & st
-     v.mkBool(comp(args[0], args[1]));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_lessThan({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_lessThan(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__lessThan",
-     .args = {"e1", "e2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3357,7 +3357,7 @@ static void prim_toString(EvalState & st
-     v.mkString(*s, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_toString({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_toString(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "toString",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3393,7 +3393,7 @@ static void prim_substring(EvalState & s
-     auto s = state.coerceToString(pos, *args[2], context);
-     if (start < 0)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("negative start position in 'substring'"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -3401,7 +3401,7 @@ static void prim_substring(EvalState & s
-     v.mkString((unsigned int) start >= s->size() ? "" : s->substr(start, len), context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_substring({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_substring(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__substring",
-     .args = {"start", "len", "s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3428,7 +3428,7 @@ static void prim_stringLength(EvalState
-     v.mkInt(s->size());
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_stringLength({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_stringLength(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__stringLength",
-     .args = {"e"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3444,7 +3444,7 @@ static void prim_hashString(EvalState &
-     auto type = state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos);
-     std::optional<HashType> ht = parseHashType(type);
-     if (!ht)
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("unknown hash type '%1%'", type),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -3455,7 +3455,7 @@ static void prim_hashString(EvalState &
-     v.mkString(hashString(*ht, s).to_string(Base16, false));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_hashString({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_hashString(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__hashString",
-     .args = {"type", "s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3517,19 +3517,19 @@ void prim_match(EvalState & state, const
-     } catch (std::regex_error & e) {
-         if (e.code() == std::regex_constants::error_space) {
-             // limit is _GLIBCXX_REGEX_STATE_LIMIT for libstdc++
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("memory limit exceeded by regular expression '%s'", re),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-         } else
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("invalid regular expression '%s'", re),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_match({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_match(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__match",
-     .args = {"regex", "str"},
-     .doc = R"s(
-@@ -3621,19 +3621,19 @@ void prim_split(EvalState & state, const
-     } catch (std::regex_error & e) {
-         if (e.code() == std::regex_constants::error_space) {
-             // limit is _GLIBCXX_REGEX_STATE_LIMIT for libstdc++
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("memory limit exceeded by regular expression '%s'", re),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-         } else
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("invalid regular expression '%s'", re),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-     }
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_split({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_split(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__split",
-     .args = {"regex", "str"},
-     .doc = R"s(
-@@ -3689,7 +3689,7 @@ static void prim_concatStringsSep(EvalSt
-     v.mkString(res, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_concatStringsSep({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_concatStringsSep(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__concatStringsSep",
-     .args = {"separator", "list"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3705,7 +3705,7 @@ static void prim_replaceStrings(EvalStat
-     state.forceList(*args[0], pos);
-     state.forceList(*args[1], pos);
-     if (args[0]->listSize() != args[1]->listSize())
--        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+        state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'from' and 'to' arguments to 'replaceStrings' have different lengths"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         }));
-@@ -3758,7 +3758,7 @@ static void prim_replaceStrings(EvalStat
-     v.mkString(res, context);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_replaceStrings({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_replaceStrings(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__replaceStrings",
-     .args = {"from", "to", "s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3790,7 +3790,7 @@ static void prim_parseDrvName(EvalState
-     v.mkAttrs(attrs);
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_parseDrvName({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_parseDrvName(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__parseDrvName",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3811,7 +3811,7 @@ static void prim_compareVersions(EvalSta
-     v.mkInt(compareVersions(version1, version2));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_compareVersions({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_compareVersions(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__compareVersions",
-     .args = {"s1", "s2"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3840,7 +3840,7 @@ static void prim_splitVersion(EvalState
-         (v.listElems()[n] = state.allocValue())->mkString(std::move(component));
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_splitVersion({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_splitVersion(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__splitVersion",
-     .args = {"s"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -3863,7 +3863,7 @@ RegisterPrimOp::PrimOps * RegisterPrimOp
- RegisterPrimOp::RegisterPrimOp(std::string name, size_t arity, PrimOpFun fun)
- {
-     if (!primOps) primOps = new PrimOps;
--    primOps->push_back({
-+    primOps->push_back(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-         .name = name,
-         .args = {},
-         .arity = arity,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/context.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/context.cc	2022-07-05 21:30:43.895477218 +0200
-@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static void prim_appendContext(EvalState
-     for (auto & i : *args[1]->attrs) {
-         const auto & name = state.symbols[i.name];
-         if (!state.store->isStorePath(name))
--            throw EvalError({
-+            throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("Context key '%s' is not a store path", name),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[i.pos]
-             });
-@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static void prim_appendContext(EvalState
-         if (iter != i.value->attrs->end()) {
-             if (state.forceBool(*iter->value, iter->pos)) {
-                 if (!isDerivation(name)) {
--                    throw EvalError({
-+                    throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                         .msg = hintfmt("Tried to add all-outputs context of %s, which is not a derivation, to a string", name),
-                         .errPos = state.positions[i.pos]
-                     });
-@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ static void prim_appendContext(EvalState
-         if (iter != i.value->attrs->end()) {
-             state.forceList(*iter->value, iter->pos);
-             if (iter->value->listSize() && !isDerivation(name)) {
--                throw EvalError({
-+                throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("Tried to add derivation output context of %s, which is not a derivation, to a string", name),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[i.pos]
-                 });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fetchClosure.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fetchClosure.cc	2022-07-05 21:19:32.442745247 +0200
-@@ -35,20 +35,20 @@ static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState
-             fromStoreUrl = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, attr.pos);
-         else
--            throw Error({
-+            throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%s' isn't supported in call to 'fetchClosure'", attrName),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             });
-     }
-     if (!fromPath)
--        throw Error({
-+        throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%s' is missing in call to 'fetchClosure'", "fromPath"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         });
-     if (!fromStoreUrl)
--        throw Error({
-+        throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%s' is missing in call to 'fetchClosure'", "fromStore"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         });
-@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState
-     if (parsedURL.scheme != "http" &&
-         parsedURL.scheme != "https" &&
-         !(getEnv("_NIX_IN_TEST").has_value() && parsedURL.scheme == "file"))
--        throw Error({
-+        throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'fetchClosure' only supports http:// and https:// stores"),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         });
-     if (!parsedURL.query.empty())
--        throw Error({
-+        throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("'fetchClosure' does not support URL query parameters (in '%s')", *fromStoreUrl),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         });
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState
-             auto i = remappings.find(*fromPath);
-             assert(i != remappings.end());
-             if (toPath && *toPath != i->second)
--                throw Error({
-+                throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("rewriting '%s' to content-addressed form yielded '%s', while '%s' was expected",
-                         state.store->printStorePath(*fromPath),
-                         state.store->printStorePath(i->second),
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState
-                     .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-                 });
-             if (!toPath)
--                throw Error({
-+                throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt(
-                         "rewriting '%s' to content-addressed form yielded '%s'; "
-                         "please set this in the 'toPath' attribute passed to 'fetchClosure'",
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState
-     if (evalSettings.pureEval) {
-         auto info = state.store->queryPathInfo(*toPath);
-         if (!info->isContentAddressed(*state.store))
--            throw Error({
-+            throw Error(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("in pure mode, 'fetchClosure' requires a content-addressed path, which '%s' isn't",
-                     state.store->printStorePath(*toPath)),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState
-     v.mkString(toPathS, {toPathS});
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchClosure({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchClosure(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__fetchClosure",
-     .args = {"args"},
-     .doc = R"(
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fetchMercurial.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fetchMercurial.cc	2022-07-05 21:24:42.447732473 +0200
-@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ static void prim_fetchMercurial(EvalStat
-             else if (n == "name")
-                 name = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, attr.pos);
-             else
--                throw EvalError({
-+                throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("unsupported argument '%s' to 'fetchMercurial'", state.symbols[attr.name]),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[attr.pos]
-                 });
-         }
-         if (url.empty())
--            throw EvalError({
-+            throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("'url' argument required"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fetchTree.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fetchTree.cc	2022-07-05 21:26:10.917253192 +0200
-@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ static void fetchTree(
-         if (auto aType = args[0]->attrs->get(state.sType)) {
-             if (type)
--                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("unexpected attribute 'type'"),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-                 }));
-             type = state.forceStringNoCtx(*aType->value, aType->pos);
-         } else if (!type)
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("attribute 'type' is missing in call to 'fetchTree'"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static void fetchTree(
-         if (!params.allowNameArgument)
-             if (auto nameIter = attrs.find("name"); nameIter != attrs.end())
--                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("attribute 'name' isn’t supported in call to 'fetchTree'"),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-                 }));
-@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ static void fetch(EvalState & state, con
-             else if (n == "name")
-                 name = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, attr.pos);
-             else
--                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+                state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                     .msg = hintfmt("unsupported argument '%s' to '%s'", n, who),
-                     .errPos = state.positions[attr.pos]
-                 }));
-         }
-         if (!url)
--            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError({
-+            state.debugThrowLastTrace(EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("'url' argument required"),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-             }));
-@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ static void prim_fetchurl(EvalState & st
-     fetch(state, pos, args, v, "fetchurl", false, "");
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchurl({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchurl(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "__fetchurl",
-     .args = {"url"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ static void prim_fetchTarball(EvalState
-     fetch(state, pos, args, v, "fetchTarball", true, "source");
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchTarball({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchTarball(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "fetchTarball",
-     .args = {"args"},
-     .doc = R"(
-@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ static void prim_fetchGit(EvalState & st
-     fetchTree(state, pos, args, v, "git", FetchTreeParams { .emptyRevFallback = true, .allowNameArgument = true });
- }
--static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchGit({
-+static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchGit(RegisterPrimOp::Info{
-     .name = "fetchGit",
-     .args = {"args"},
-     .doc = R"(
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fromTOML.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/primops/fromTOML.cc	2022-07-05 21:37:21.520286890 +0200
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static void prim_fromTOML(EvalState & st
-     try {
-         visit(val, toml::parse(tomlStream, "fromTOML" /* the "filename" */));
-     } catch (std::exception & e) { // TODO: toml::syntax_error
--        throw EvalError({
-+        throw EvalError(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt("while parsing a TOML string: %s", e.what()),
-             .errPos = state.positions[pos]
-         });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/value-to-json.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libexpr/value-to-json.cc	2022-07-05 21:38:55.586443957 +0200
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void printValueAsJSON(EvalState & state,
-         case nThunk:
-         case nFunction:
--            auto e = TypeError({
-+            auto e = TypeError(ErrorInfo{
-                 .msg = hintfmt("cannot convert %1% to JSON", showType(v)),
-                 .errPos = state.positions[v.determinePos(pos)]
-             });
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libstore/build/derivation-goal.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libstore/build/derivation-goal.cc	2022-07-05 22:00:19.607148739 +0200
-@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ void runPostBuildHook(
-     };
-     LogSink sink(act);
--    runProgram2({
-+    runProgram2(RunOptions{
-         .program = settings.postBuildHook,
-         .environment = hookEnvironment,
-         .standardOut = &sink,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libstore/globals.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libstore/globals.cc	2022-07-06 06:17:13.775714375 +0200
-@@ -212,19 +212,19 @@ template<> std::string BaseSetting<Sandb
- template<> void BaseSetting<SandboxMode>::convertToArg(Args & args, const std::string & category)
- {
--    args.addFlag({
-+    args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-         .longName = name,
-         .description = "Enable sandboxing.",
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {[=]() { override(smEnabled); }}
-     });
--    args.addFlag({
-+    args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-         .longName = "no-" + name,
-         .description = "Disable sandboxing.",
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {[=]() { override(smDisabled); }}
-     });
--    args.addFlag({
-+    args.addFlag(Args::Flag{
-         .longName = "relaxed-" + name,
-         .description = "Enable sandboxing, but allow builds to disable it.",
-         .category = category,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libstore/sqlite.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libstore/sqlite.cc	2022-07-06 06:23:32.941076415 +0200
-@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ void handleSQLiteBusy(const SQLiteBusy &
-     if (now > lastWarned + 10) {
-         lastWarned = now;
--        logWarning({
-+        logWarning(ErrorInfo{
-             .msg = hintfmt(e.what())
-         });
-     }
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libfetchers/git.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libfetchers/git.cc	2022-07-06 17:06:38.486246972 +0200
-@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ struct GitInputScheme : InputScheme
-             // FIXME: should pipe this, or find some better way to extract a
-             // revision.
-             auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & sink) {
--                runProgram2({
-+                runProgram2(RunOptions{
-                     .program = "git",
-                     .args = { "-C", repoDir, "--git-dir", gitDir, "archive", input.getRev()->gitRev() },
-                     .standardOut = &sink
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libfetchers/mercurial.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libfetchers/mercurial.cc	2022-07-06 17:11:39.244274108 +0200
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ static RunOptions hgOptions(const String
-     // Set HGPLAIN: this means we get consistent output from hg and avoids leakage from a user or system .hgrc.
-     env["HGPLAIN"] = "";
--    return {
-+    return RunOptions{
-         .program = "hg",
-         .searchPath = true,
-         .args = args,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libmain/common-args.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libmain/common-args.cc	2022-07-06 17:13:59.023840375 +0200
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace nix {
- MixCommonArgs::MixCommonArgs(const std::string & programName)
-     : programName(programName)
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "verbose",
-         .shortName = 'v',
-         .description = "Increase the logging verbosity level.",
-@@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ MixCommonArgs::MixCommonArgs(const std::
-         .handler = {[]() { verbosity = (Verbosity) (verbosity + 1); }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "quiet",
-         .description = "Decrease the logging verbosity level.",
-         .category = loggingCategory,
-         .handler = {[]() { verbosity = verbosity > lvlError ? (Verbosity) (verbosity - 1) : lvlError; }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "debug",
-         .description = "Set the logging verbosity level to 'debug'.",
-         .category = loggingCategory,
-         .handler = {[]() { verbosity = lvlDebug; }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "option",
-         .description = "Set the Nix configuration setting *name* to *value* (overriding `nix.conf`).",
-         .labels = {"name", "value"},
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ MixCommonArgs::MixCommonArgs(const std::
-         }
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "log-format",
-         .description = "Set the format of log output; one of `raw`, `internal-json`, `bar` or `bar-with-logs`.",
-         .category = loggingCategory,
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ MixCommonArgs::MixCommonArgs(const std::
-         .handler = {[](std::string format) { setLogFormat(format); }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "max-jobs",
-         .shortName = 'j',
-         .description = "The maximum number of parallel builds.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libmain/shared.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libmain/shared.cc	2022-07-06 17:14:45.303559656 +0200
-@@ -228,28 +228,28 @@ LegacyArgs::LegacyArgs(const std::string
-     std::function<bool(Strings::iterator & arg, const Strings::iterator & end)> parseArg)
-     : MixCommonArgs(programName), parseArg(parseArg)
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "no-build-output",
-         .shortName = 'Q',
-         .description = "Do not show build output.",
-         .handler = {[&]() {setLogFormat(LogFormat::raw); }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "keep-failed",
-         .shortName ='K',
-         .description = "Keep temporary directories of failed builds.",
-         .handler = {&(bool&) settings.keepFailed, true},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "keep-going",
-         .shortName ='k',
-         .description = "Keep going after a build fails.",
-         .handler = {&(bool&) settings.keepGoing, true},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "fallback",
-         .description = "Build from source if substitution fails.",
-         .handler = {&(bool&) settings.tryFallback, true},
-@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ LegacyArgs::LegacyArgs(const std::string
-     auto intSettingAlias = [&](char shortName, const std::string & longName,
-         const std::string & description, const std::string & dest)
-     {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = longName,
-             .shortName = shortName,
-             .description = description,
-@@ -274,19 +274,19 @@ LegacyArgs::LegacyArgs(const std::string
-     intSettingAlias(0, "max-silent-time", "Number of seconds of silence before a build is killed.", "max-silent-time");
-     intSettingAlias(0, "timeout", "Number of seconds before a build is killed.", "timeout");
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "readonly-mode",
-         .description = "Do not write to the Nix store.",
-         .handler = {&settings.readOnlyMode, true},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "no-gc-warning",
-         .description = "Disable warnings about not using `--add-root`.",
-         .handler = {&gcWarning, false},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "store",
-         .description = "The URL of the Nix store to use.",
-         .labels = {"store-uri"},
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libcmd/command.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libcmd/command.cc	2022-07-06 17:15:38.323314423 +0200
-@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ void StoreCommand::run()
- CopyCommand::CopyCommand()
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "from",
-         .description = "URL of the source Nix store.",
-         .labels = {"store-uri"},
-         .handler = {&srcUri},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "to",
-         .description = "URL of the destination Nix store.",
-         .labels = {"store-uri"},
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ ref<Store> CopyCommand::getDstStore()
- EvalCommand::EvalCommand()
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "debugger",
-         .description = "start an interactive environment if evaluation fails",
-         .handler = {&startReplOnEvalErrors, true},
-@@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ BuiltPathsCommand::BuiltPathsCommand(boo
-     : recursive(recursive)
- {
-     if (recursive)
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "no-recursive",
-             .description = "Apply operation to specified paths only.",
-             .category = installablesCategory,
-             .handler = {&this->recursive, false},
-         });
-     else
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "recursive",
-             .shortName = 'r',
-             .description = "Apply operation to closure of the specified paths.",
-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ BuiltPathsCommand::BuiltPathsCommand(boo
-             .handler = {&this->recursive, true},
-         });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "all",
-         .description = "Apply the operation to every store path.",
-         .category = installablesCategory,
-@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Strings editorFor(const Path & file, uin
- MixProfile::MixProfile()
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "profile",
-         .description = "The profile to update.",
-         .labels = {"path"},
-@@ -276,14 +276,14 @@ MixDefaultProfile::MixDefaultProfile()
- MixEnvironment::MixEnvironment() : ignoreEnvironment(false)
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "ignore-environment",
-         .shortName = 'i',
-         .description = "Clear the entire environment (except those specified with `--keep`).",
-         .handler = {&ignoreEnvironment, true},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "keep",
-         .shortName = 'k',
-         .description = "Keep the environment variable *name*.",
-@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ MixEnvironment::MixEnvironment() : ignor
-         .handler = {[&](std::string s) { keep.insert(s); }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "unset",
-         .shortName = 'u',
-         .description = "Unset the environment variable *name*.",
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libcmd/common-eval-args.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libcmd/common-eval-args.cc	2022-07-06 17:16:46.806254752 +0200
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ MixEvalArgs::MixEvalArgs()
- {
-     auto category = "Common evaluation options";
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "arg",
-         .description = "Pass the value *expr* as the argument *name* to Nix functions.",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ MixEvalArgs::MixEvalArgs()
-         .handler = {[&](std::string name, std::string expr) { autoArgs[name] = 'E' + expr; }}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "argstr",
-         .description = "Pass the string *string* as the argument *name* to Nix functions.",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ MixEvalArgs::MixEvalArgs()
-         .handler = {[&](std::string name, std::string s) { autoArgs[name] = 'S' + s; }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "include",
-         .shortName = 'I',
-         .description = "Add *path* to the list of locations used to look up `<...>` file names.",
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ MixEvalArgs::MixEvalArgs()
-         .handler = {[&](std::string s) { searchPath.push_back(s); }}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "impure",
-         .description = "Allow access to mutable paths and repositories.",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ MixEvalArgs::MixEvalArgs()
-         }},
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "override-flake",
-         .description = "Override the flake registries, redirecting *original-ref* to *resolved-ref*.",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ MixEvalArgs::MixEvalArgs()
-         }}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "eval-store",
-         .description = "The Nix store to use for evaluations.",
-         .category = category,
---- nix-2.9.2/src/libcmd/installables.cc.orig	2022-06-16 15:09:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ nix-2.9.2/src/libcmd/installables.cc	2022-07-06 17:18:09.389150696 +0200
-@@ -38,28 +38,28 @@ MixFlakeOptions::MixFlakeOptions()
- {
-     auto category = "Common flake-related options";
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "recreate-lock-file",
-         .description = "Recreate the flake's lock file from scratch.",
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {&lockFlags.recreateLockFile, true}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "no-update-lock-file",
-         .description = "Do not allow any updates to the flake's lock file.",
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {&lockFlags.updateLockFile, false}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "no-write-lock-file",
-         .description = "Do not write the flake's newly generated lock file.",
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {&lockFlags.writeLockFile, false}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "no-registries",
-         .description =
-           "Don't allow lookups in the flake registries. This option is deprecated; use `--no-use-registries`.",
-@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ MixFlakeOptions::MixFlakeOptions()
-         }}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "commit-lock-file",
-         .description = "Commit changes to the flake's lock file.",
-         .category = category,
-         .handler = {&lockFlags.commitLockFile, true}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "update-input",
-         .description = "Update a specific flake input (ignoring its previous entry in the lock file).",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ MixFlakeOptions::MixFlakeOptions()
-         }}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "override-input",
-         .description = "Override a specific flake input (e.g. `dwarffs/nixpkgs`). This implies `--no-write-lock-file`.",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ MixFlakeOptions::MixFlakeOptions()
-         }}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "inputs-from",
-         .description = "Use the inputs of the specified flake as registry entries.",
-         .category = category,
-@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ MixFlakeOptions::MixFlakeOptions()
- SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode)
- {
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "file",
-         .shortName = 'f',
-         .description =
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand(boo
-         .completer = completePath
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "expr",
-         .description = "Interpret installables as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression *expr*.",
-         .category = installablesCategory,
-@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand(boo
-         .handler = {&expr}
-     });
--    addFlag({
-+    addFlag(Flag{
-         .longName = "derivation",
-         .description = "Operate on the store derivation rather than its outputs.",
-         .category = installablesCategory,
-@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand(boo
-     });
-     if (supportReadOnlyMode) {
--        addFlag({
-+        addFlag(Flag{
-             .longName = "read-only",
-             .description =
-                 "Do not instantiate each evaluated derivation. "
-@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ StorePathSet Installable::toDerivations(
- InstallablesCommand::InstallablesCommand()
- {
--    expectArgs({
-+    expectArgs(ExpectedArg{
-         .label = "installables",
-         .handler = {&_installables},
-         .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) {
-@@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ std::optional<FlakeRef> InstallablesComm
- InstallableCommand::InstallableCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode)
-     : SourceExprCommand(supportReadOnlyMode)
- {
--    expectArgs({
-+    expectArgs(ExpectedArg{
-         .label = "installable",
-         .optional = true,
-         .handler = {&_installable},
diff --git a/nix-link.patch b/nix-link.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3610580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix-link.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+--- nix-2.14.1/src/libexpr/tests/local.mk.orig	2023-03-02 00:24:44.000000000 +0100
++++ nix-2.14.1/src/libexpr/tests/local.mk	2023-04-02 21:38:17.553805363 +0200
+@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ libexpr-tests_CXXFLAGS += -I src/libexpr
+ libexpr-tests_LIBS = libstore-tests libutils-tests libexpr libutil libstore libfetchers
+-libexpr-tests_LDFLAGS := $(GTEST_LIBS) -lgmock
++libexpr-tests_LDFLAGS := -lrapidcheck $(GTEST_LIBS) -lgmock

---- gitweb:


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