
Blues blues at
Sat Dec 8 14:58:17 CET 2001

On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, Michal Moskal wrote:
> > > There are number of client machines. On each cronjob is installed that checks
> > > if CPU gots cold (load avarage under .5), and if so, it connects to the server
> > > and asks it for a job. (There is also lock to prevent building more then
> > > one package at once). After builder script (that is run in chroot) has 
> > 
> > Don't forget abaut mashines where CPU>1.
> > Load 2 means there the same as 1 at CPU=1
I mean at CPU=2 :)

> > leave possibility to save rpms.
> > Maybe (==me :) )  some would like to keep them...
> I could do so, but you won't ever know *which* rpm's will you get from the
> server (what do you need *random* rpm's for?). So maybe it would be better
> to collect them on server. But this would generate more network treffic.

3 things are nedded:
some ssh key.
Thats all....

Why to leave them? If I would like to install new devel evolution version 
I can look localy - maybe I've got it on my disk/server. This will reduce 
my network traffic (sure, stupid, but... :))) 
<mode=wish>And maybe the same builder could be used to force build some 
aplication.... </mode>

pozdr.  Paweł Gołaszewski        
CPU not found - software emulation...

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