poldek problems

Pawel A. Gajda mis at pld.org.pl
Fri Apr 26 16:08:19 CEST 2002

Friday 26/04/2002  7:42:29, Marcin Chojnowski:
> HI,
> I noticed that poldek fails while downloading indexfile patches. I
> don't know if it's corrected because it was earlier version that 
> one we have on ftp.
> I had index file datet beggining of this month. After poldek get some 
> patches (a lot of them) it stopped that with message that indexfile is 
> desynchronised (not BAD as it used to say). 
> Then i need to get entire indexfile prom scratch (poldek --upa)
> Is this problem known ??

Yes. poldek's indexes created with 0.17.2 (till 24th April AFAIK) don't 
work well with current version and $ poldek --update-whole is needed 
after upgrade to 0.17.3. 

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