__ in rpm macros

Tomasz Kłoczko kloczek at rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl
Wed May 22 19:44:32 CEST 2002

On Wed, 22 May 2002, Michal Moskal wrote:

> Hmm.. I wonder why do we use __ in front of %{__make} and especially
> %{__autoconf} and %{__automake}. In C prefixing __ to name means: "don't
> touch, internal stuff". While in case of make it makes some sense (it
> expands to /usr/bin/make itself and nothing more, in default setup at
> least), but %{__automake} has several options. 
> I guess it would be better to use %automake and %autoconf (and maybe
> %make).

Not so neccessary. We do not write C code ;) ... but seems you are right :)
Comment from /usr/lib/rpm/macros:

# Macro naming conventions (preliminary):
#       Macros that begin with an underscore are "local" in the sense that
#       they (if used) will not be exported in rpm headers. Some macros
#       that don't start with an underscore (but look like they should)
#       are compatible with macros generated by rpm-2.5.x and will be made
#       more consistent in a future release.

So probaly will be good add:

%_use_smp_mflags	0

%make			%{__make} %{?_use_smp:%{_smp_mflags}}
%autoconf		%{__autoconf} %{?debug:-Wall}
%automake		%{__automake} -a -c -f --foreing
%libtoollize		%{__libtoolize} --copy --force
%gettextize		%{__gettextize} --copy --force

Also must be repalced all direct using make and replaced by using %make in 
rest platform.in. For PLD in platform.in can be removed %makeinstall or 
better redefine this to "%{make} install DESTDIR=%{rpmbuildroot}".

Also IMHO will be good drop (but rather on begining work on PLD 1.2) 
using %{rpmcflags} macro and redefine in platform.in:

%optflags		@RPMRC_OPTFLAGS@


%optflags		%{!?debug:@RPMRC_OPTFLAGS@}%{?debug:-O -g}

And back to using %optflags instead current %rpmcflags (?).
Or better also local template and define:

%__optflags		@RPMRC_OPTFLAGS@

and %optflags as:

%optflags		%{!?debug:%{__optflags} %{_cflags}}%{?debug:-O -g}

and also add empty %{_cflags} %{_cxxflags} %{_fflags} %{_ldflags} macros 
(for make this much more closer to template names from autoconf name 

For fixing in platform.in is also IMHO:

%_initrddir             %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d

it must be:

%_initrddir             /etc/rc.d/init.d

for not depending local redefine %{_sysconfdir} in spec preamble.

Coments or any other planed changes ?
Some time ago I'm also thinking about add profiling infrastructure similar 
to current %{debug} support.

*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: kloczek at rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl*

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