SPECS: snmptt.spec - add logs

The Undefined undefine at aramin.net
Mon Jun 28 18:08:16 CEST 2004

On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 06:02:16PM +0200, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> > > Some daemons do not start when log file with proper permissions is not
> > > present.
> > ok, so for this packages create logfiles, for other not?
> Yes. And the discussion here is *how* they should do it.
I've think that it's "general" about logs...

> > > And no, they don't want to log via syslog for some reason or just they
> > > cannot.
> > they don't want? or administrators don't want?
> In the default config they don't do it.
general config from package, or from PLD?
If pld why don't change it?
Many program's authors wan't some changes with aren't compatybile with
PLD - in example directores not compatybile with FHS, optimalizations
other als -O2... we change it and standarize - why not change logs too
(when it's possible - program can log to syslog)

> > if there is possibility to change it why don't enable log to syslog and
> > allow admin to change it to log to file when he want it?
> If the admin wants. By default - they don't.
ok, there is "default PLD admin" who has default requires? ;)

Andrzej 'The Undefined' Dopierała
UNIX && Linux administrator, Adam Mickiewicz University WMiI
PLD Linux Developer             HomePage: http://aramin.net/
JID: undefine at piastlan.net    e-mail: undefine at pld-linux.org

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