second locale language ?

Bobby Spark sparky at
Thu Oct 7 03:03:15 CEST 2004

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 03:01:18AM +0200, Bobby Spark wrote:
> I'm living in Spain, exactly in Valencia, where local language is
> Catalan (ca_ES), and state language Spanish (es_ES) and a see necesity
> of something like second locale Language, becouse many people prefer see
> programs they use in ca_ES, but they normally chose es_ES as their
> language becouse there is more programs translated into Spanish than
> into Catalan, and this is done by setting LANG=es_ES, 
in /etc/sysconfig/i18n
> so language is
> changing everywhere

 ____      Sparky{PI]                 _   ___   _   _
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(____/ ||    (_-_|_ ||   ||\\  ||    |_  |_|   |_|  _|

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