SOURCES: X11-glibc-charset.patch (NEW) - patch to use nl_langinfo,

Paweł Sakowski pawel at
Mon Sep 27 01:52:10 CEST 2004

On Sun, 2004-09-26 at 11:15 +0200, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> What about *.ISO-8859-16 locales, which seem to be unsupported by X at the
> moment? Do we need to prepare iso-16 fonts to support them?

Probably it'll take writing /usr/X11R6/lib/locale/iso8859-16/* and maybe
creating 8-bit ISO-8859-16 fonts. Anyway, adding iso*16 support to X11
is way beyond the extent of my patch.

> > ++/* Substitute aa_BB[.CC][@dd] with aa_BB.`locale charmap`[@dd] */
> Some default glibc locale charmaps are unsupported by X, eg. tg_TJ.KOI8-T.
> Also zh_CN.GB18030 (but this is not the default one). What do you suggest?

Same thing as with iso*16: if tg_TJ.KOI8-T isn't supported by vanilla
X11, neither will tg_TJ with my patch. It'll make you get the "locale
not supported by Xlib" message in either case. Changing that will
require a fair amount of work.

A special case I can easily support is when X supports a charset under a
different name than glibc's. I already do it for ISO 8859.

A perfect solution would be to strip all cognition of charset from X and
use glibc's features of charset manipulation (UTF-8<=>locale conversion
should suffice) and use fonts basing on what characters they provide,
not on what encoding(s) they declare to support. But this would imply
rewriting major parts of libX11.

> Some other locale to work need X locale definition fixes. I tried to do some
> sync for X locale, basing on the glibc one. The files ara available at
> I do not support patches as they would be bigger and more difficult to
> maintain (~70% of files is modified).

It's for the very same reason that I'm modifying locale.alias with sed
+awk. If you're able to express your changes as a relatively simple
script, feel free to apply them in X11.spec

> I assume you do notice the difference in handling some UTF locales by X
> locale, eg. for pl_PL.UTF-8 and ko_KR.UTF-8 ...

No, I haven't noticed any differences. And there definitely shouldn't be
any (unless they're for the better :). What have you noticed?

| Paweł Sakowski <pawel at>            Never trust a man  |
|                            who can count up to 1023 on his fingers.  |

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