SOURCES (AC-branch): bashrc - removed stty erase setting to `tput ...

Tomasz Pala gotar at
Sat Jul 2 23:34:56 CEST 2005

On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 23:10:27 +0200, Jan Rekorajski wrote:

> My proposal is for us to stop being so uber-smart and just revert to
> defaults. Kill all those s/xterm/xterm-color/ and s/xterm/we-know-better/
> patches and just stick to TERM=xterm like the rest of the world.

I agree, we shall do it the _common_ way.

However Debian/RH/FC has ^H for xterm-color, so following above rule you
should revert ncurses-xterm-color-new.patch, don't you? ;)

> And we should also go with debian-guildines here (like eg. FC) and set
> kbs=\177, then we will have consistent envinronment on console and in X.

The question is: are we going to fulfill this policy wider than it's
creator? If yes - ncurses-xterm-color-new.patch stays. But I prefer
to keep in sync with our big brothers.

> > One more thing - what stty erase sets xterm after your changes? You
> > should have added "*ttyModes: erase ^?".
> Maybe I should add "*backarrowKey: false".

No, it's false by default. There must be line I gave, because IN FACT
we're changing xterm's default and it must be noticed about it.

GoTaR <>gotar>

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