location for shared apache configs (was Re: SPECS: munin.spec - added apache config and pre/post scripts - sim...

Elan Ruusamäe glen at delfi.ee
Fri Oct 7 14:19:52 CEST 2005

this shared apache config between apache versions needs solution for packages 
which don't have their own %{_sysconfdir}

maybe create /etc/webapps or /etc/apache-shared or /etc/shared-apache 
directory where to store the apache config fragments?

currently the config files are out to /etc/apache-PKGNAME.conf, which is not 
very good when the package list grows.

or /etc/apache.d ?

should also think of other webservers, lighttpd already includes support for 
including external configs. those altho could go to /etc/lighttpd directory. 
but still...

On Friday 07 October 2005 15:02, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> On Friday 07 October 2005 13:37, Jan Rekorajski wrote:
> > Does it mean I just have to put triggers from
> > template-apache-package.spec? I'm a bit confused now.


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