cvs vs svn...

Paweł Sakowski saq at
Fri Sep 9 10:31:52 CEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 23:18 +0200, Jan Rekorajski wrote:
> Been there, done that,
> cvs up -r <revision to revert to> some.spec ; mv some.spec some.spec.tmp ; \
> cvs up -A some.spec ; mv some.spec.tmp some.spec ; cvs ci some.spec
> Not that hard.

You lose the %changelog entries added between <revision to revert to>
and HEAD. Just as you would with `cvs up -j`.

> You ("svn fans" ;) say [1] and then you say it's impossible to have
> changelog in files (no $Log$ impleneted in svn). For me it's pointless to
> have [1] functionality without being able to see the logs. So gain from
> [1] is eliminated by the lack of log (I'm not able to know what to diff).

OK, so the word is "disadvantage", not "contradict" ;)

Paweł Sakowski <saq at>
PLD Linux Distribution

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