[patch] metamail and apache-mod_auth_pam

Jérôme Augé jerome.auge at cesamnet.fr
Sat Sep 9 20:32:40 CEST 2006

Marcin Król a écrit :
>> apache-mod_auth_pam is not compatible with Apache >= 2.1, as they have
>> changed the authn/authz mechanism.
> It is compatible. I'm using it successfully on some systems and it works
> perfectly.
> [...]
> "AuthBasicAuthoritative off" is required to get it working with Apache
> 2.x. No code changes are required.

You're right. I gave it a try, and it works.

But my error_log is now filled with these error messages:

[error] Internal error: pcfg_openfile() called with NULL filename
[error] [client] (9)Bad file descriptor: Could not open 
password file: (null), referer: http://pldmachine/what/

Don't you get these errors ?

The "noprov" patch from Fedora might be the best way afterall, as it 
allows you to upgrade from Apache 2.0 to 2.2 without touching to your 
conf files and it does not generate error messages on each 
authentication (even if the authentication is sucessfull).

Anyway, if you want to package apache-mod_authn_pam, here is the spec 
file (shamelessly copied from apache-mod_auth_pam) with the pam service 
selector I use.

Note: mod_authn_pam sources are not distributed in a tarball format, so 
you must check it out from their cvs.
- http://mod-auth.sourceforge.net/docs/mod_authn_pam/

Jérôme Augé
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