Idea - schematic information in %description

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at
Thu May 3 17:40:10 CEST 2007

On 5/3/07, Jeff Johnson <n3npq at> wrote:
> If you want package categories, please add as a separate tag, not by
> overloading description.

Additionally, there is little to no sense to list file extensions as
*NIX has no concept of extensions. Systems operate on MIME types.

> What really needs to be done is to attach a category hierarchy with,
> but not in,
> packaging. Rebuilding a package to change hierarchy is too burdensome.

I agree but I see no real advantage of listing handled file types for
each package. Expecially since package X might only support MIME type
Y if Z is also installed or if manually configured to use V.

Patryk Zawadzki
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