CVSROOT: cvswrappers - treat patches as binary files

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at
Wed Nov 5 19:23:40 CET 2008

2008/11/5 Tomasz Pala <gotar at>:
> I mean the patch is completely broken - see attached result of
> diff -u
> It's entirely different from foo.patch you have send, isn't it?
> Now apply my patch with or without -l and compare result. It's not the
> case we're talking about.

No, you don't get it. foo1 is code from project X version Y.

PLD decides to patch it, apply the patch and see the results. The
patch is correct and was generated properly.

Now the project X releases version Z, including foo2 (with the same
name as foo1 obviously) but with slightly different syntax.

PLD applies the former patch and gets no error. Or even decides to
alter the patch but commit shows no differences due to ignored
whitespace. Broken.

Patryk Zawadzki

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